Chapter 6

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"You cheated." Justin says.

"Nowhere in the rules did it say you can't ask Siri for help. Correct?"


"No! Correct or not? Hey, people who are my friends. Tell him its not in the rules."

"Don't care." Ashley says.

"We don't play board games. That's why we have phones. Another way to spell board is bored." Jessica says, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"You cheated." Justin mumbles.

"OK. Show me the exact spot in the rules that says you can't ask Siri for help. If its there, I cheated and I win. If its not there I win and you give me $20."

"I know it doesn't say in the rules. But you're gonna win both ways. And I'm not giving you $20."

"Well, I won. $15?" He shakes his head and I shrug.

"Worth a shot."

"She doesn't need any money. Open her wallet." Ashley says.

"My wallets not even down here."

"Think again, princess." Justin holds my wallet in front of me then drops it in my lap.

"How'd you know it was mine?"

"First, you just told me. Second, it has a big ass A on the front."

"Ok then." I walk upstairs to put my wallet away and get my phone charger.

When I come back down, Ashley and Jessica are having one of their little arguments in which they argue about a celebrity boy then don't talk to each other for about 5 minutes.

"I've told you countless times, Zac Efron is the hottest thing on this planet." Ashley says.

"And I've told you countless times, Leonardo DiCaprio is. What don't you understand about that?" Jessica replies.

"Everything. I don't know what people see that's so special about him."

"Well you don't have eyes!"

"Both of you shut the fuck up! Everyone in this room knows its Cameron Dallas. Deal with it." I say, causing both of them to be quiet.

"Actually, I would like to think that I'm the hottest guy on the entire planet." Justin says.

"You know its not true." I say.

"Wow, Ariana." He replies.

"Just stating facts." I shrug and sit on the couch.

"What are we watching?"

"Most popular Alx James vines of November." Ashley says.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." I say.

I laugh and she smiles. I lay my head in Justin's lap and he starts running his fingers through my hair.

"Why aren't you like this with other people?" He says.

"We've been friends since we were 4 years old. I can trust them. I don't trust people easily." Blurry memories of my dad and my brother run through my head.

The last time I saw them, I was 3. My dad just took him, without even saying bye, and we haven't seen them since then. My brother never came back, and neither did my dad. They were the only people I trusted.

"Ariana." Justin says, interrupting my memories.


"You're crying. What's wrong?"

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