Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV

"So we're going to the mall? And I'm guessing I have to hold your bags." I nod and he laughs.

"I don't think I have a choice so I guess I'll go. But we're going in my car. Who wants to drive?"

"Ooh! Me!"

"Sorry sweetness, but you're not driving my car. You drive like a hobo. I was kidding anyway."

I cross my arms and pout and he wraps his arms around me.

"You'll be fine. You can sit in the passenger seat." I smile into his shoulder and he let's go.

"What are we waiting for?" Jessica says.

"Let's go." Justin replies.

We walk outside and get into his car.

At The Mall

"So, where are we going first?"

"Rue 21!" I reply immediately.

"Whatever that is." Justin says.

"Its my second favorite store behind Forever 21. Duh."

"All these 21's. I've never heard of, nor been inside, either of them."

"Well, you're lucky I'm here. Come on." I take his hand in mine and we walk to Rue 21.

"Welcome to Rue 21." The cashier says.

I smile and start walking to the shorts.

"Ariana, you remember that snow storm a few days ago? I don't think these shorts are appropriate for winter." Justin says.

"But it was 90 degrees the day before the storm. I'm pretty sure I can wear them before summer."

"Whatever you say. Where's the rest of them, though?"

"What do you mean the rest?"

"I will not allow you to be seen in those. They're too short."

"You're not my mom."

"I know that. But-"

"You're not my boyfriend either. So you have no say in what I wear."

"Fine. I'll sit here and let you wear some shorts that a 2 year old could fit. What does 0 mean anyway?" He says, looking at a pair of size 0 shorts.

"That's the smallest size. But I don't wear a 0, I wear a 3 so go make yourself useful and find me some clothes."

"Whatever." He disappears into the racks of clothes and I continue my search for shorts.

"I found this." Justin says from behind me.

"You've been gone for 30 seconds. How did you- Oh my God, that's beautiful. I want it."


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"Here." He holds the dress out and I take it from him.

"You're amazing at this. Find me more clothes."

In the end, Jessica only let me get the dress Justin found and 2 outfits, one of which Justin also found.

In the end, Jessica only let me get the dress Justin found and 2 outfits, one of which Justin also found

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"You have a problem

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"You have a problem. I'm not sure its a good idea to go to Forever 21."

"But that's why we came to the mall. I'm going to Forever 21 whether you like it or not."

"OK. You do that. But don't blame me when you get in trouble for spending all your money."

"My mom will get over it." She shrugs and we walk to Forever 21.

"Welcome to Forever 21." I smile again and start walking around.

Justin follows me and I find 1 outfit and some sunglasses.

Justin follows me and I find 1 outfit and some sunglasses

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"I think its time to go now

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"I think its time to go now." Jessica says.

"Fine. But I want some ice cream." We leave Forever 21 and go to the food court.

I buy some strawberry ice cream, Justin gets chocolate, Jessica gets lime, and Ashley gets chocolate chip cookie dough. (That's my favorite. You can totally send me some. My address is 123 I was kidding.)

"Why don't you ever wear your hair down? I like it." Justin says.

"Aww, thanks, but I just didn't feel like doing it today." I run my hand through my hair, moving it to one side.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah. I'm tired now."

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