Chapter 16

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Ariana's POV

"You're beautiful, smart, adorable, and funny." I blush, burying my face in my hands.

"Thank you." I say into my hands.

"Come on, Ari. Show me your smile." He pulls my hands away and I giggle.

"Stop!" I say, smiling.

"There's that beautiful smile of yours." I look up at him and he laughs.

"You're very red. Like a fire truck."

"Leave me alone!" I put my hands back, leaning into his side.

"You know you love me. Everyone does."

"You're starting to act like me now. That's not a good thing." He chuckles and I remove my hands.

"Oh no. Someone call an ambulance." I punch him in the shoulder, moving my hair to the side of my head.

"Justin." I say innocently.

"What do you want?"

"Can you put my hair in a ponytail? Please?"

"What's a ponytail?"

"Stop acting stupid."

"Alright, fine." I give him a ponytail holder and he starts gathering my hair in his hand.



"You're pulling my hair."

"Oh. Sorry." He finishes my hair and I inspect it with my hair.

"You did a good job. I'm gonna make you do my hair more often." He nods and the doorbell rings.

I get off the couch and walk to the door, opening it.

"Uncle Rick?"

"Hello Ariana. Here's the kids."

"Wait what?"

"Your mom didn't tell you? She said you would be fine with babysitting today, tonight, and tomorrow."

"No, she didn't tell me."

"Well, I can't get another babysitter. Do you mind?"

"Umm, OK. Fine. Sure. When will you be back?"

"Tomorrow at around 3 pm. Thank you so much." I take Kaely from him and Meghan walks in, holding her stuffed bear.

"Meghan has her backpack, and here's Kaely's stuff. They're already bathed so don't worry about that. Again, thank you." I smile and he goes back to his car, leaving me with the girls.

I walk into the living room and Justin looks at me.

"Who are they?"

"My cousins. Apparently, my mom told my uncle I would babysit until tomorrow. I don't know why she would do that, or why she's not back from her trip."

"That's what phones are for. Call her." I roll my eyes and pick up my phone, dialing her number.


"Mom, why did you tell Rick I could babysit? And why aren't you back from your trip?"

"I thought it would give you something to do. And they scheduled some extra meetings so I should be back on Monday."

"Mom, I don't-" Kaely starts fussing in my arms and I sigh.

"I have to go. Next time, could you at least tell me when I'm babysitting a 1 and 3 year old?"

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