Chapter 5

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Ariana's POV

My alarm goes off and I sit up in bed with my eyes closed, putting my hand on my head.

"Shit. This is why I don't drink." I open my eyes and see Justin laying on my couch.

"Justin what the fuck are you doing in my room?"


"Why are you in my room? Don't you have school today?"

"I don't think so? Look outside." I walk to my window and push the curtain aside.

The ground is covered in about 2 feet of snow. If I walked outside it would probably be up to my knees, maybe even my thighs.

"Oh. But why are you still here?"

"Jessica and Ashley are still here too. They're downstairs. It started snowing around 1 am and that's when people started leaving. We stayed to take care of you when you woke up because you fell asleep at about 10 pm."

"Thanks, I guess. But I have one more question. Why are you in my room?"

"They sent me up here to check on you and you were still asleep so I decided to stay until you woke up."

"We can go downstairs." We walk out the open door and down to the living room.

"Look who's awake." Ashley says.

I smile and sit on a couch, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Symptoms?" Jessica asks.

"I have a headache and I really don't feel like talking. But that's it."

"Well I'll shut up then." I giggle and look at Justin.

"Why are you still standing up? Sit the fuck down."

"OK, OK, OK." He sits in a chair and looks at me.


"Shut up. I guess we're stuck in here together. But who cleaned up?"

"The same people I hired to set up." Jessica says.

"What are we gonna do all day?" Ashley asks.

"We can start with eating breakfast. I'm starving." I reply.

"Of course you are. When do you not eat?"

"When I'm asleep. What do you want?"


"Go make them. You have basically lived in this house since you were 4. I refuse to be-"

"OK, we get it. Just shut up." Ashley says, walking to the kitchen with Jessica behind her.

I giggle and Justin looks at me.


"You're mean." He laughs and I giggle.

"I'm not mean until I kick you the fuck out of my house."

"I'm going to the kitchen." He says.

I follow behind him and sit on the counter.

"Justin, give me some yogurt from the fridge."

"Whatever you say, princess." I smile as he hands me a cup of yogurt.

"Thank you." I grab a spoon from the drawer and open the cup.

"Eat what you want. I don't care." I lick yogurt from the spoon and my phone rings from on the counter.

"Was this down here all night?" I swipe the answer button as Ashley nods.


"Hi, Ariana. How's everything going? I heard there's a huge snow storm in Florida."

"Fine. Jessica and Ashley are here. We're eating breakfast." Justin looks at me and I shrug.

He walks to the counter and starts tickling me.

"Stop!" I mouth, giggling.

"What are you laughing at? Is there someone else there?"

"Mom, I told you Jess and Ash are here. They're just trying to be funny. And if they don't stop I'm going to slap them in their faces." I glare at Justin and he smiles.

"That's a stupid reason to slap someone in their face. I have to get back to work. I was just checking on you. Stay safe and I love you." I eat a spoonful of yogurt and Justin stops tickling me.

I raise my eyebrows and take the phone away from my ear.

"I'm happy to see you're not trying to choke me." He nods and I put the phone back.

"Love you too. Have a safe trip." I hang up the phone and knee Justin in his stomach.

He groans and Jessica laughs.

"That's not nice, Ariana." Ashley says, trying to hold in her laugh.

"Shut up. That's what the fuck you get. Next time don't stand directly in front of me. Got that?" He nods.

"That's what I thought." I finish the rest of my yogurt and they finish ther breakfast and we go back into the living room.

I sit on the couch and Justin sits next to me.

"I'm still mad at you."

"You were never mad at me in the first place. Admit it."

"I was a little. My mom doesn't actually know I broke up with Liam. She liked him. She might've wanted me to marry him. I don't even know."

"Ariana, shut up. You're not exactly choosing the right conversation to have with him." Ashley says.

I look at her then to Justin.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"Its ok."

Jessica clears her throat and turns on the TV. I hold up my middle finger and she rolls her eyes.

"Fuck you too." I giggle and look at the TV.

"Is this how friendship works now?" Justin says.

"Obviously you don't have any friends. Yes, it is." I reply.

"I have a lot of friends."

"Yep. You keep telling yourself that."

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