Chapter 13

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*Just a note: Its been 2 days since it was in the last part. It was Tuesday and now its Thursday*

Ariana's POV

"Hey." Justin says.

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

"I came to 'support' your team. Kind of. Maybe. OK, not at all. I came to sit next to you."

"Well, come on. How'd you know I wasn't gonna be cheer leading?"

"You have a broken arm."

"Its not broken. Its fractured. I can still cheerlead. The other team is cheerleading. That's why we're not the home team. Do you know nothing?"

"I do know some stuff, actually. That's kind of why I'm in high school."

"Oh sure. Be a smart mouth." He sits in front of me and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek.

"Stop with the PDA." Jessica says, walking up the bleacher stairs with Ashley following behind her.

"How about you stop with the bothering us when we're busy?" I reply as they sit down on either side of me.

"Excuse us for being people in a public place." Jessica says, giving me my nachos.

"Thank you."

"So are you, like, friends now?" Justin asks.

"Not really friends. More like two people who talk to each other." I look at Ashley and she nods.

"Wow. Girls are weird."

"Boys are weird too. How do you explain missing the toilet from 3 years old to death? Being the cutest from 4 to 7? Always playing around at 8 to 11?"

"OK, I get it. Lets just say everyone is weird." He turns around and I balance a chip on his head.

"Umm, excuse me, Ariana?" Some random student says.

"What?" I reply, putting a nacho in my mouth.

"Are you guys dating?" I almost choke on my food and Justin sits straight up, the chip on his head falling to the ground.

"No." Justin answers while I finish chewing.

"Why do you need to know?" I ask.

"I was just wondering."

"Well take your 'just wondering' self out of my face. Buh-Bye." I wave and smile innocently, and she walks away.

"#Nosey." Jessica says.

"#PeopleNeedToStayOutOfMyBusinessBecauseThey'reAlwaysAskingQuestions." I say and Justin laughs.

45 Minutes Later

"And that's the game, folks! Congrats to to the Coyotes for winning!" We make our way outside and start walking to where we parked, which is across the street.

"Are you coming with us?"

"No, but as a man, I'm supposed to walk with you to the car."

"You're not a man. You're 17." I reply, following Jessica and Ashley onto the street.

"Well, I'm almost a man."

"Almost is never enough, honey."

"Ariana!" He yells.




"Stop asking so many questions and come on!" He says, carrying me of the street.

A car speeds through, honking it's horn.

"Are you happy I came with you now?"


Basketball Romance(Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now