Chapter 7

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Ariana's POV

"Cheese is boring." Ashley says.

"And so are you. Cheese is delicious." I reply, taking a bite of my pizza.

"If only you were like this with everyone else in the world. You're so boring when you're with other people."

"They're not my best friends. I can't do whatever I want with them."

"You can't do whatever you want with us." Jessica says.

"She can do whatever she wants with me." Justin says, smirking.

I look at him, giggling.

"Trust me, you don't want that." Ashley shakes her head.

"I think I do."

"As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, its disgusting. We're trying to eat." I say.

"Either you're enjoying the conversation or its disgusting. It can't be both." Ashley replies.

"Why not?"

"Can we just get off the topic?" Jessica says loudly.

We look at her then bust out laughing.

"Its not funny. You're grossing me out." She says.

We finish our pizza then clean the kitchen by putting dishes in the dishwasher and leaving the leftover pizza on the counter.

"What do we do now? We've done literally everything."

"Ooh! Pick me!" I squeal, raising my hand.

"Ariana." Ashley rolls her eyes.

"I want to go snow swimming."

"The snow is taller than you. And you barely have any clothes on."

"And? I'm doing it."

"I wanna go too." Jessica says.

"Come on."

"Just don't get hypothermia." Ashley says, going into the living room.

"Are you coming?" I ask Justin.

"I guess I'll come to pull you out. We all know you can't do it by yourself." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"I'm going to jump in some snow." Jessica says, opening the door.

A gust of wind blows in the house and I turn against it.

"Shit. Its cold."

"Its 18 degrees!" Ashley calls from the living room.

"Still wanna go?" Justin says.

I nod, walking onto the porch.

"We have to jump from somewhere." Jessica says.

"Well, I can stand on the porch rail. I don't know about you."

"Of course you can. You weigh about 10 pounds." I stick my toungue out and climb on the rail.

Its slippery so I almost fall before Justin puts his hand on my back.


"You're welcome. Are you ready?"

"I'm waiting for Jess. Where'd she go?"

"I'm here. I went to get something that I could actually stand on." She places a chair on the ground of the porch and stands on it.

"We'll go on 3." She says.

"1." Me.

"2." Jessica.

"3." We both jump into the snow and scream.

"Fuck that's cold!" I yell.

"How long are you gonna stay in there?" Justin says as Jessica, who didn't jump in a foot past the stairs, climbs out and runs inside.

"Not anymore. Get me out of here!"

"Get yourself out. You put yourself in." Justin says.

I look at him and he smiles.

"I see you finally grew some balls. Justin, can you please get me out of here?" I give him my puppy dog eyes and he sighs.

"Fine." He sticks his hand out and I grab it.

He pulls me onto the porch and I run inside. Ashley hands me a towel and I wrap myself in it.

"That was a b-b-bad idea." I stutter, shivering as I walk into the living room.

"I tried to tell you. That's why you always listen to me." Ashley says.

I roll my eyes and sit in a ball on the couch. Justin sits next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"No, I'm actually pretty hot." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, you definitely are." Justin says.

"Stop saying you're hot. The only thing you can turn on is a microwave." Ashley says.

"Wow. That came out of nowhere." Jessica says.

I put up my middle finger and she laughs.

"That's two times today. How many more? Place your bets now!"

"I'll put $20 on 2 more." Justin takes a $20 bill out of his wallet and places it on the coffee table.

"$50 on 1." Jessica says.

"$20 on none. If I know her, she'll try her best to not to do it anymore." Ashley says.

I put my middle finger up repeatedly, leaving them with their mouths wide open.

"Now you two owe me $20 and you owe me $50." I smile as they groan and give me the money.

"You're all dumbasses if you didn't think of the way that would backfire on you. I just made $90 by sitting here and putting a finger in the air."

"Why is she so smart?" Ashley mutters.

"It takes common sense, not smartness."

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