Chapter 12

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Ariana's POV

"OK, OK, I'll go downstairs. Stop tickling me." Justin takes his hands away and I sit up.

"That wasn't fair. I had a disadvantage."

"You have another arm." I get out of my bed and open the door to my room.

"Are you ready?"

"For what? To ignore her?"

"Sure. You do that." We walk downstairs and into the living room.

"Ariana!" Ashley says, standing up.

"Yeah, yeah. You're sorry and you didn't mean to. Save it. I don't care. I just never thought my best friend would say that to me." I walk past her to the couch I always sit on.

"Ari, I..."

"Don't call me that. Only my best friends can call me that." She sighs and sits back down.

"You know, you're very stubborn." Justin says.

"I'm not being stubborn. She's lucky I let her stay in my house. Where's Jess?"

"I'm not sure. I happened to be upstairs too."

"She left. She told me to tell you she said bye. But I think I'm gonna leave too. I'll see you at school." Ashley grabs her purse and walks out of the door.

"Are you gonna leave too? I'm sure your dad is wondering about you." I ask Justin.

"I guess I should. I'll be back tomorrow." He kisses my cheek and walks out, leaving me alone.

I turn on AHS and go upstairs to get my homework. Coming back downstairs, I start working on Algebra 2. When I'm done, I put it away and lay down. Within 5 minutes, I'm asleep.

3 Hours Later

I wake up on the couch, the house phone ringing loudly. I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I yawn.

"Oh, Ariana, were you asleep?" My moms voice comes through the phone.


"Sorry. I was just checking on you."

"Mom, you already called today. I know you want me to stay safe but I'm fine."

"Oh, alright."

"Mom, admit it. You're bored."

"OK, fine. I am."

"Well I'm sorry about that but its almost 10 pm here. You can call back tomorrow."

"I will. Bye Ariana."

"Bye." I put the back on the table and turn the TV down, closing my eyes.

Next Morning

Someone rings the doorbell and I go to answer it. When I open the door, the sun goes in my eyes, blinding me.

"Hey." Justin says.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Its 10 in the morning."

"Oh. I've been asleep for 12 hours. How does that happen?"

"I don't know but that's way too long. What are we gonna do today?" I shrug.

"My phone might be ready."

"Ask your mom." I walk back in the living room and pick up the house phone.


"Hey mom. Is my phone ready?"

"They said sometime around 3 pm. Why?"

"I wanted to pick it up."

"OK. Bye." She hangs up and I put the phone down.

"It'll be ready in about 5 hours. I still need to eat and take a shower and get dressed."

"OK, I get it. I'll sit here while you do your girl things."

"I didn't know eating, taking a shower, and getting dressed were girl things." I grab a cup of yogurt from the fridge and go upstairs.

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