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When Tony shot Will, my anger boiled. He shot my daughter. My first child. The worst part was that she got shot to protect me.

I regretted that neither of us went to see if she was alright. Out of the corner of my eye I saw James go over to pick up Will. I wondered how he'd get her to a hospital because he didn't know how to fly a jet.

Tony was on the ground. I had busted his suit. Now he couldn't stop me from leaving. I helped Bucky to his feet.

"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield" Tony said. I dropped my shield.

"Do me a favor and give it to Will for me" I requested as Bucky and I walked out of the base. I had always planned on passing down my shield to Will. Tony could do it for me. Yes, I had a son that could take my place, but James was not cut out for war. He could take care of people; he couldn't fight. He froze earlier and Will saved him. Will was the one who should take my place.

A week later, I found out where Will was. I went to the hospital to try and see her. When Will refused to see me, I called James.

"She doesn't want to see you. I can't blame her after what you and Tony did" James spat before he hung up. His words stung. My own children didn't want to speak with me. It hurt me. Yes, it may have been my fault that Will got shot, but I needed to know if she was okay.

For the next two weeks, I stayed at my apartment. It was lonely. I was used to waking up and making my children breakfast, and now they wouldn't even speak with me.

There was a knock on the door. Natasha was there. "What do you want" I demanded.

"Will ran away" she stated.

"What" my heart dropped.

"She ran away. Look I need to get home. James is in the car. He doesn't want to speak with you. Call her. She might just listen to you" Natasha turned around and left.

My daughter was gone. I knew that if she ran away, I would never find her again. When I found her a year ago, it was the best thing that happened to me after coming out of the ice. When I found out that she was my daughter, we grew apart.

I wanted my children back. They were my flesh and blood. If Tony had been there, he would have told me that I was wasting my time or that my children were keeping me from getting out in the world. My children were my world. I wasn't sure how I would function without them.

Years later, I still hadn't found Will. James was finally speaking with me. He had even moved back into the some apartment building, but there was still no sign of Will.

"It's been six years since I rescued Will from Hydra" I said to James.

"You say that every year. I think you're losing it old man" James joked.

"You miss her too, admit it".

"Yeah, I miss the chosen one everyday".

"Don't you have work today" I asked.

"Nope. I have the day off" he smirked.

"I still don't know why you became a doctor".

"I became a doctor because after all those months of taking care of Will, I found something that I was good at. I'm sure that Will is still saving people and being the hero she was meant to be" James stated.

"Do you know if Tony got my shield to Will".

"Yeah, I think he did. I was there when he called her. He tried to use it to get her to come back to the Avengers".

"Of course he did" I mumbled.

"Where do you think she is now" he asked.

"I don't know. She might be in a bunker somewhere in the mountains. She might be back in New York. She might even be living with the X-Men. Where do you think she is".

"Probably in another country. She probably changed her name".

"It wouldn't surprise me if she did. Maybe she took a page out of Barton's book and built herself a farm".

"Maybe she's living with Clint and his family" James suggested "I'd be fine with that".

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