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(James's P.O.V.)

After Will left, I moved back in with Steve. I also started going to school. Hanging out with people my own age was nice. I eventually became friends with Peter and his team.

"Hey, you should join our team, you have powers, you could take Will's place" Sam suggested.

"Being a hero was really more of Will's thing. Besides, my powers are useless unless you want to send the world into an ice age" I started.

"You can control wind and water. That could come in handy" Ava commented.

"I'll give it a shot, but I can't promise that I'll be good at it. I don't even know basic hand to hand combat".

Peter shook his head. "You didn't learn anything at Hydra or from the Avengers".

"Hydra didn't want me to fight back and  the Avengers didn't have enough time to teach me".

"I can teach you" Danny offered.


"So do you have a superhero name yet" Luke asked.

"Not unless you count Ouroboros" I said "did Will have a superhero name".

"No, but sometimes we'd call her Cap because it just seemed right" Sam answered.

"Okay, but what would you call her if she was still here".

"Cap, Soldier, maybe Inferno" Peter said.

"And what about me".

"Ice-Boy, Mr. Freeze. I don't know" Ava started.

"How about Frozone" Luke suggested.

"Really" I raised an eyebrow. It wasn't bad, but I wasn't sure if I liked it.

"I like it" Sam said.

"Same here" I was outvoted. I guess that was my name.

"So do you have a super suit".

"Um no, I've always fought in civilian clothes" I answered. They all rolled their eyes.

"You have no idea how to be a hero" Peter muttered "how did that happen. Will was raised by the same people as you, yet she knew exactly how to be a hero out of instinct".

"I guess I don't have the same instincts as Will because I was raised differently. I was never beat until I met Will. I knew who my family was and I hated them. Oh and I've only ever broken my nose. Will has broken all of her bones; some more than once. She didn't know that she had family and she's been in pain every day of her life" I said.

"So about the suit. I'm thinking we should make it grey and blue in the same style as Hawkeye's suit" Ava changed the subject.

"You want my arms to be exposed" I exclaimed "last time I fought with my arms exposed I wound up with one of them full of dirt".

"That's why you use your powers to blast the dirt out" Sam said.

"What else can you do" Luke inquired.

"I have increased agility and speed, but not strength. All of that went to Will" I replied "so do you guys have a base that we can train at or do I need to ask Tony if we can train at Stark Tower".

"Yes we have a base. Nick Fury built it for us a while ago. So Will never told you about it" Peter responded.

"So are we meeting there after school" I asked. They nodded, so when school was over we all walked there together.

"So this is where you guys train" it was more high tech than the training room at Stark Tower.

"Yeah, so suit up" Luke tossed me a suit. Ava must have sent the plans for it here and someone made it.

I felt awkward. I didn't get how Will did this for so long.

"So, let's see what you can do" Danny said. All I really could do was make spheres of ice and water. Hydra didn't exactly want me to control my powers.

"We have a lot of work to do" Peter muttered. After a few weeks of training I was slowly improving, but I was no where near the level of Peter's team.

"How do you guys where these suits all the time" I asked; my suit, while being comfortable most of the time, was not comfortable at the moment.

"You get used to it" Ava stated.

"You sure, because I'm really uncomfortable".

"That's because you haven't done this as long as we have" Sam said.

"I should have if those stupid Hydra scientists had let me train".

"So how'd Will get so strong without training".

"Um, she had to be strong because if she wasn't then she'd be dead".

"How do you know she's not dead now" Peter asked.

"Because I just know that she can't be dead" I whispered. I hated to think that Will was dead; she couldn't be. If she was Steve would die and I need my father in my life for a change.

"Hey are you okay" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's just weird thinking about Will" I muttered.

"Okay back to training" Peter said. So we trained for a few more hours. It really felt nice to be part of something good for once, the Avengers didn't count; I never went on missions with them.

"Hey thanks for taking me in" I said to the team "it feels nice to be part of the team".

"No problem James" Peter stated.

"Yeah it's nice to have you here".

"You guys are the first people to want to have me around" I admitted.

"That's not true. Your old man wants you around. Your sister wanted you around. Hydra wanted you around before you realized that you were in the wrong side" Sam stated.

"Will and Steve didn't want me around; they had their own little family without me. And sure Hydra kept me around because Will was rebellious, but that doesn't mean that they wanted me around" I said "the Avengers didn't want to take me in, the only one there that actually wanted me to stay was Pepper".

"I can't believe that. I though you and Will were cool with each other".

"I knew her as a person for maybe three months. For thirteen years I thought that she was the chosen one that only got chosen because she was a few minutes older. I hated her and for thirteen years I was lied to about my family. I was told that my dad was a super villain from the forties. So I've been lied to and disliked my entire life. Acceptance is a new concept for me".

"We'll get used to it because you're one of us now" Ava said.

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