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It had been almost two years since I left the Avengers. I was perfectly fine. In the last two years, I hadn't been seriously injured or almost killed. It was nice for a change.

I walked passed the recreation room as I made my way to the lab. "Will, get in here" Fitz called from the rec room. His eyes were fixed on the TV.

"What" I asked.

"You might want to see this" he scooted over so I could sit down. He had been watching the news.

"Steve Rogers has officially retired from Avenging" the reporter said "so our question is, who will take up the role of Captain America. An interview with Cap coming up soon".

Fitz glanced at me nervously.

"No, no, no, no. I'm not going back to the Avengers. I'm done being in the spotlight. I was on the news often enough when I just lived with the Avengers" I said "nope".

"Oh come on, Will, you have the shield and the skill set-" Fitz argued.

"Fitz, I am fifteen years old, so shut up and watch damn the news" I leaned back.

"So, you've been laying low for the last two years. Why did you decide to retire now" the reporter asked.

"Well, I want to focus on my children. They need me right now, and when I was out Avenging, I wasn't there for them" Steve answered. He almost looked like the same man that had been my father.

"You have teenage twins right".

"Yes, Will and James".

"Is it true that your daughter ran away after the events in Germany".

"Unfortunately, it is. I haven't spoken to Will in two years, and my being a hero made her leave. That's why I retired. I want to find her" Steve said.

"He won't find me unless I want him to" I muttered.

"Will, he misses you. The least you can do is call him".

"You don't think I want to. That single though has been killing me for the last two years. Should I call them or not. I've always come up with the answer no because I'm still mad at them" I said. The interview was finally over, and I was thankful for that.

Steve didn't look to good. I mean, he looked presentable, but I could see in his eyes and in the way he held himself that he was worried.

"I know who I'm hoping the next Captain America will be. I hope that his daughter will take up the famous shield because I've seen her in action, and she's almost as good as Steve Rogers himself. That's all for tonight" I turned the TV off and started to get up.

"Will, where are you going".

"Look, Fitz, I can't be Captain America. No, it won't happen. And why would Steve retire to look for me. He could just ask Maria Hill where I am, but that would be too easy. Besides, he loved being a hero; that was his purpose in life. Mine was to destroy the world, and we all saw how that worked out for Hydra" I spat.

"Will, your purpose in life was not to destroy the world. You just haven't found your purpose yet. Maybe you will be Captain America someday. Only time can tell" Fitz stated.

"You don't know that. I live in fear every day of my life because I don't know if Hydra will come back for me, and if I become a superhero again, then the media will follow my every move".

"I'm not saying that you have to be Captain America. I'm saying that you should consider it".

"I might, but right now, I want to live as normally as I possibly can" I went to the training room. I had some anger to let out. I started to hit the punching bag. I was about to kick it to the floor when someone else came in.

"I assume you saw the news" it was May.

"He's being stupid. He shouldn't retire because I left. Saving people is what he's done for years and he loves it" I stated, going back to hitting the punching bag.

"Does this not prove to you that they still care" she asked.

"He's giving up his career to look for someone he won't find" I didn't look at her.

"Most of the time I forget that you're only fifteen, and someone that young needs their family around" May put a hand on my shoulder, and I stopped what I was doing.

"I'm seventy-four. I can take care of myself. Oh, and the last time I saw my dad, I got shot so".

"You do this when you're sad, you get sarcastic, and you break things".

"Well, I'm sorry that I was treated like shit for thirteen years and frozen for another fifty-six" I retorted.

"You miss them, don't you".

"Of course I miss them. My only friends are adults, I don't fit in at school, and I'm living a lie. If anyone from my past were to walk through that door right now, I would want it to be Peter and Clint" I sat down on one of the mats.

"Why them".

"Clint understands me. He knows what's it's like to get beat as a kid and run away. Peter was my best friend" I whispered "of course I miss them, May. Who wouldn't miss their family".

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