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"Will, you should come to church with me. I know that you're not religious, but I know that you're carrying a lot of stress with you. We do this thing called a confession where we just talk to the priest" Brian Turner said. We'd been hanging out at the gun range all day.

"I don't think I belong in a church, Brian. I've never been in a church, and I've done some really bad things in my life" and the only god I believed in was Thor.

"Will, I know that you've killed people. I have too, but that was to save people. I've made my peace with that, and it doesn't look like you have".

"I don't think it's a good idea-" I started.

"Give it a try, for me, please" he interrupted. He and I had been friends for a while, and he sounded genuinely concerned.

"Okay, just this once" I sighed. What if the church hated me? Matt Murdock was also Catholic, and his priest was okay with the fact that he was Daredevil, but he'd never killed a person. I'd killed many people, and churches tended to frown on that.

Sunday morning came, and I went to church with Brian. I felt very out of place. Everywhere I looked, there was someone staring at me like I was the devil or something.

After the service, I went to this thing called a confessional. I definitely hated it, but I was doing this for my friend. I sat in a small dark box that reminded me of my cell. There was a screen dividing it from the other box where the priest was.

"I'm I don't know how this works, I've never actually been to a church before" I started.

"Well it's very simple, all you have to do is tell me what sins you've committed" the priest replied. That meant that I had to tell him my entire life story.

"I lie, like a lot. I lie about my age and say I'm twenty. I'm seventy-nine. I lie about who I really am. I'm a rouge superhuman. I've hurt people; they were bad people that hurt me, so I killed them. I was also created to destroy the world" I went on and said every bad thing I'd ever done. When I finished the priest started yelling.

"Get out of my church, you demon. You are not a sinner. You are a creation of Hell. You are the offspring of the devil himself" he yelled.

"I don't believe in your religion anyways" I got up and left. As far as I was concerned, God wasn't real because if there was a God, they wouldn't have let anything like me be created.

"How was it" Brian inquired nervously.

"The priest called me a creation of Hell and told me to get out of his church".

"What exactly did you tell him" he looked slightly horrified. As it turns out, priests don't typically yell at people.

"He said to tell him everything, so I did".

"Your past isn't that bad, is it" he didn't know the truth. It was really that bad.

"Well-" we stoped walking.

"What could possibly be so bad that Father George would call you a demon".

"We should probably talk somewhere not so public" I dragged him to my car.

"Will, you're freaking me out".

"You may think you know me, but you don't, not really" I explained.

"What do mean. Stop being so cryptic".

"You have to promise not to tell anyone. You can't turn me in to the cops, and you can't tell any government officials. I've worked too hard to get away from this".

"What did you do".

"It's what I was supposed to do, or what I was created to do" I replied quietly "I was born in 1943. I have special abilities".

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