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(Will's P.O.V.)

"Gun violence against women is going up, Rogers, what are you going to do about it" the chief asked me. He was looking at the new statistics that the rookies had spent the day collecting.

"I can't do anything. I don't have any evidence or testimonies against any gangs or the mob. I can't lock anyone up with out the proof" I sure as hell could stop them if I wanted to. That was exactly what I was going to do. I was going to go outside the law to save people. I was going to do some good old fashioned vigilante justice.

That night, I dug out my old suit and a mask. I went outside, and that's when I heard screaming. I followed the sound into an alley where three men stood above a little girl. I dropped down from the fire escape to separate the men and the girl.

"Stop" I ordered.

"And what exactly are you gonna do about it, miss" one of the men asked. They all had guns.

"This" I filled my hand with fire and punched the man that had spoken. I kicked the other two down. I grabbed a pipe and knocked them out. Then I went to the girl.

"Are you hurt" I asked her. She nodded. I brought her into the light. Her lip was cut, she had a black eye, and she was bruised from head to toe. Her brown hair was thin, and her hazel eyes stuck out of her head.

"Do you have any family".

"Don't take me back to my father, please don't" she begged.

"Did he do this to you, is that why you're on the street" the girl nodded again "Alright, you'll come with me. I can keep up safe, and in the morning, we can go to the cops".

I took off my mask, and I took the girl back to my house. I got her some food and something to drink. "Who are you" she asked me nervously. She'd trusted me this long, so I would trust her.

"My name is Will Rogers, and I'm a cop. I'm also a superhero. I heard you scream, and I came to save you. That's what I do. Who are you".

"My name is Mia. M-my ma died when I was little. My pa killed her right in front of me. He never saw a day of jail. He started beating me after that. I was five".

"I'll make sure that he never hurts anyone again".

"His name is Marcus Finch" Mia said quietly.

"The mob boss" I muttered. I knew exactly why he'd gotten away with murder. He knew how to cheat the legal system.

"Is there anyone you can stay with" I asked.

"I don't have any family" she whispered.

"Then you can stay with me until we find a good home for you" she nodded.

"Thank you, ma'am".

"You can call me Will" I said.

"O-okay" she yawned. It was midnight. I took Mia to the guest room. She laid down on the floor.

"You can sleep on the bed, I don't mind" she was just like me. When Mia fell asleep, I called my boss.

"Rogers, it's late, so what the hell do you need" he demanded.

"I was out for a walk when I saw three thugs trying to hurt a little girl. I stopped them, but they got away when I went to check on the girl. The girl's father is Marcus Finch" I explained.

"The mob boss".


"Where's the girl" he asked.

"She's sleeping in my guest room. She was injured, and I didn't want to scare her by taking her to the station, but now we have enough evidence to take down the mob for good".

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