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Being a cop wasn't enough. I started going out and night to stop crime. I'd find drug dens at night, and then I would lead the cops to them next day. I said that I had an anonymous informant. I needed to live the life of a superhero. It was in my blood.

I was out patrolling when I heard screams. They came from an abandoned warehouse by the railroad. That was usually where I stopped most crimes. I investigated the noise. I found rooms full of chains and devices of torture. Tubes of colorful liquid lined shelves, and needles littered the floor. It was an all to familiar scene. Another blood curdling scream echoed throughout the warehouse, a woman's scream. I moved farther into the warehouse. I got to the back wall, and I almost fainted.

The Hydra symbol was painted on the wall in blood. "No, this can't be happening. Not again" I whispered and shook my head. More screaming bounced off the walls.

I rushed to the source of the noise. Twenty-one men were standing in a room, beating six young women. The women were chained to the walls. They had tubes of liquid coming from their arms and the men were cutting them with knives.

"Step away from those girls" I yelled. My fists were flaming. The man closest to me tried to attack. I kicked him down and slammed his head against the floor. One down. I threw punches and fireballs until every man, but one, was unconscious. The man that was conscious cowered in the corner.

"You go back to your boss, and tell them that Ragnarok is back" I hissed "now get the hell out of my city".

"Wh-what" the man stuttered.

"Did I stutter. Get the hell out of my city" the man nodded and ran out of the building. I wanted to kill every last man in the room, but I couldn't. If my coworkers found out that I'd killed people because I was a vigilante, then I'd go to prison. I called SHIELD to help clean up this mess.

"What the hell fo you need, Rogers" Jeffery asked.

"I need a favor, and you owe me, Jeffery. There's a Hydra base in Denver. I took it down, but I have twenty Hydra agents unconscious, and I have six young women who have suffered severe blood loss" I explained. I was going to help these women.

"We'll be there in five" Jeffery hung up.

"How long have you been here" I asked the women as I unchained them.

"We-we've all been- we've all been here six months. We-we're all twenty" one women spoke up. They all looked familiar, and then I remembered the missing persons cases I'd worked on.

"That's how old my mother was when Hydra took her" I muttered "what did they do to you".

"Th-they said they wanted to recreate Ragnarok, whatever that is".

Shit. This was very, very bad.

"I'm Ragnarok. When my mother was twenty, Hydra kidnaped her, and nine months later, I was born. They didn't do anything to you so you'd have children, right".

"N-no. Just serums- serums and beatings".

"I was raised my these people, now can you tell me why they wanted to recreate me" I asked.

"Th-they wanted new weapons".

"Will" Coulson yelled.

"In here" I called back.

"What happened" he asked quietly.

"These girls need immediate medical attention" I said "and contain the Hydra scum".

"You didn't my kill anyone, did you" Fitz asked. He sounded slightly concerned. I probably looked insane.

"I wanted to, but I didn't".

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