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(Tony's P.O.V.)

"You did what" Pepper yelled. It was my first day back at the tower since my fight with Steve.

"She got in the way" I stated.

"That's not the point. You shot Will, and she's probably never going to come back".

"That's not my fault, Pepper. Will decided to step in front of Steve. She wanted to be the hero, and yes, she was because I didn't kill anyone" I honestly felt bad for what I did.

"Tony, Will could be dead right now for all we know" she was right.

"James called me a few hours ago and said that he got Will to a hospital. She wasn't in the best condition, but she's in the hands of medical professionals now" I said.

"That was hours ago. Will doesn't have that arc rector to keep her alive anymore, and yes, she may have the same DNA as Steve, but she's still a child" ranted Pepper.

"Will is seventy-two" I interrupted.

"She's still just a kid" she continued.

"You haven't seen her recover. I've seen her survive the impossible and more" I started.

"That doesn't change the fact that you shot a child. Will is family, Tony. You shot family".

"I wasn't thinking clearly. I told her to move, she told me to move. Sometimes she's too much like Steve for her own good".

"You need to talk to Steve, and you need to go to the hospital and make sure Will is still alive" Pepper stormed out. Will couldn't be dead. If she was, then Steve and James would kill me. If she was still alive, then she would never speak to me again.

I remembered all the times Will had come back from the dead. When she got shot and fell a thousand feet into a lake. she lived. When she was whipped and experimented on. she lived. Hell she survived getting her bone marrow taken. Will lost all feeling in her leg and then got it back. She even lost her memories and recovered.

Will would be fine; Steve on the other hand was not fine. His son wouldn't speak with him and he gave up being Captain America so Will had to live to carry on his legacy.

I managed to find the hospital where Will was.

"Tony what are you doing here" James demanded.

"I just came to see Will" I said "is she awake".

"She's in a coma again" he glared at me.

"Why are you mad at me, I thought you were on my side" I asked.

"That was before you shot my sister".

"Is she going to be okay".

"She's in surgery right now. Will has a hole in her side and you may have hit some of her internal organs".

"I'm sorry".

"You should say that to Will".

"I would but I can't. Question, does she need her arc reactor put back in".

"You didn't hit her heart, but you may have killed her so you can live with that on your mind for the next few years".

"How long is she supposed to be in a coma".

"The doctors say a few months, maybe a year. I think it's only going to be a week because this is Will we're talking about".

"You know sometimes she's just too much like Steve".

"Yeah she is" he muttered.

"So I'm guessing you're more like your mother" I commented.

"Tony while I may have known that I was related to Steve and Will, I have no idea who my mother was. Apparently Hydra killed her right after Will and I were born" James replied.

"You should find out. Maybe you have cousins somewhere".

"No, I don't even want to know. I just got used to living with Will and Steve".

"Fair enough" I said.

"So you really think that she's going to be okay" James stared at me.

"It's Will, she has to be okay. When Cap left he left his shield behind and told me to give it to Will" I explained.

"Why wouldn't he give it to me" James sounded like he was four.

"James, you're nothing like Steve and I've seen Will save you from dying multiple times in the last week".

"Yeah you may have a point, but still. I'm the one that never gets kidnapped, I'm never in the hospital for my injuries, and I'm going to stay in New York after this. If Will stays it'll be a miracle" he said.

"It'll be a miracle if she speaks to me again after this" I mumbled.

"I highly doubt that she'll speak to you or Steve".

"Why wouldn't she speak with her dad".

"Because neither of you made sure she was okay. I was the one that got her to the jet and Ta'challa helped me get her here".

"Ta'challa is a good man" I stated. At least I knew that Will was alive.

"Hey call me when she wakes up" I got up and left.

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