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"So what do you do for fun around here" Clint was staying at my place for the weekend.

"Lots of things, like football games and amusement parks and museums" I said.

"How do you afford that with your salary" he scoffed.

"I steal from Tony".

"You do. How'd you manage that".

"Powers, remember, and Tony owes me. He shot me, and that sent me down a spiral of hurt and loss and an ever changing home".

"That's genius. He's done plenty of things to make my life hell and hasn't done anything for me. I should start stealing from him too" laughed Clint "hey do you have any beer".

"It's in the fridge" I replied "but don't get drunk, I'll tell your wife".

"Shouldn't I be the one telling you to not get drunk. God I can't believe that you're old enough to drink now" Clint came back with two drinks.

"I've been old enough to drink since you guys found me and besides, I can't get drunk".

"Oh right. You're miss righteousness, the law abiding citizen".

"No, I physically can't get drunk. My metabolism is too high. The only thing that can get me even remotely buzzed is Asgardian mead".

"You poor, poor child. Trust me, when your drunk you can do stupid things without consequences. That's how my dad got away with beating me when I was a kid".

"You know, I grew up more like you than I did like my dad".

"Not true, you're old man got beat up every day of his life until he joined the army".

"He got beat up by other kids, not his parents or the people who raised him. You and I got beat by the people who raised us".

"Surely someone else understands. What about Natasha".

"Nope, she liked those people until you brought her to SHIELD".

"Okay, then James".

"He liked Hydra, and he lived like a king, so no".

"What about Wanda".

"She lived normally until she was ten, and she volunteered, so she doesn't count".

"Wow, how about Tony" he asked.

"He was ignored, I would give anything to go back and be ignored by Hydra" I stated.

"Man, I guess it is just you and me. Wow, I cannot believe that only you and I get it".

The next day I had to work, so I left Clint alone at my house. That was the day I got shot. We chased a drug dealer and some of his goons to the outskirts of Denver. They got out of their car and started shooting at us. I was the first cop to get out of their car.

"What are you doing, rookie" one of my coworkers shouted as I shot two goons in the leg.

"I'm protecting this city. What'd you think I was doing".

That was when I got shot in the arm and in the shoulder. I heard bone shatter. There goes my shoulder blade I thought.

"Rookie, are you okay" one of the cops asked.

"Just fine" I gritted my teeth and continued shooting until all of the bad guys were in the ground, screaming in pain.

"Jesus kid, you shot them all".


"You need medical attention, we need to get you to a hospital".

"I'm fine" I rushed to one of the cars and grabbed a first aid kit. I opened it and found some tweezers. The cops watched in horror as I dug bullets out of my arm.

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