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(Will's P.O.V.)

"Move, move, move" I yelled at my unit. We were running from building to building.

"Shit" Brian Turner yelled "I got shot".

"Where" I asked.

"My leg" he slid to the floor.

"Get me a med kit now" I ordered.

"You were right.  This hurts more than a pellet gun" he laughed off the pain. One of the men brought me the med kit.

"Alight, hold him down" I said. I got a pair of tweezers and dug the bullet out of Brian's calf. He screamed in pain.

"How have you gone through this twice, Rogers" he asked through gritted teeth.

"It hurts less the second time" I wrapped his leg. A spray of bullets came through the wall. I used my powers to sake the earth. That was the first time I'd used my powers since I joined the army. It felt amazing.

"What the hell was that" one man yelled.

"That was a small earthquake caused by a bomb, you should know that" I retorted.

"We should just leave. They wouldn't notice if we just left" one man stated.

"If we go out there, then we die. If we leave, they will throw us in jail. We're fighting for our country, and if that isn't enough for you, then you can walk your ass out there and die" I snapped.

"God, sometimes I forget that you're just a kid" Brian whispered.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I haven't been for a long long time" I muttered.

"You remind me of Mel Gibson's character from Lethal Weapon, y'know. You're crazy" Brain was trying to keep his mind off the pain in his leg.

"Yeah, I have a death wish. I sometimes think about eating a bullet at night. I'm crazy" I joked, but to me, it wasn't a joke.

"You're also like John McLain from Die Hard and Jason Bourne too".

"I guess I am" it was true. I was crazy and had a mysterious past and I was good at stoping terrorists. It wasn't the craziest comparison ever.

"Have you even see those movies" he asked.

"Of course I have. I'm antisocial, not living in a cave" I joked "can you stand".

"Maybe" he winced trying to push himself up on the wall.

"I got you" I helped drag Brian back to the base where he got proper medical attention.

"Y'know they're sending us home in a couple days" Brian said.

"Yeah, so what are you going to do first" I asked.

"Get an American cheeseburger and then sleep for two weeks" he laughed "what about you".

"I'm going to go back to Denver, and maybe I'll go see my family" I stated. I was going to track down Clint. After being gone for almost five years, I missed having someone to talk to about my past.

"Sounds nice" he got up and hobbled around.

A few days later, my unit was on our way to the United States. It was really nice to be back, but my only issue was that our plane landed in New York. Brian noticed how on edge I was.

"Hey, Rogers, you okay" he asked.

"Well I'm back in my hometown where I've gotten threatened and almost kidnapped dozens of times" I sighed.

"Sounds pleasant" he muttered.

"I just need to get out of this state, and I'll be just fine".

"So you really used to live here".

"When I found my real father, I moved here, and I was born in Brooklyn. God, just get me out of here" I whispered the last part.

"Oh I see how it is. You don't want to run into anyone from your past".

"Would you".

"Yeah because I actually like my family, except for my cousin Jake because he broke my arm when we were little".

"A broken arm is nothing. A broken rib cage is something that you need to worry about".

"Yeah, I guess you're right" he stated "come on, let's catch that flight to Denver".

"Hey, if you need help walking again, give me a call" I said.

"You're not taking this flight" Brian asked.

"Nope, I'm going to wander the streets, maybe contact a family friend" I said.

"Then I'll see you in Denver. Take care of yourself, Rogers" Brian got on the plane. I exited the airport and wandered around. New York hadn't changed in four years.

"Oh my god, I know you. You're Parker's ex girlfriend" said a voice that I barely recognized.

"Excuse me".

"You're the freak that controls fire" this guy was definitely Flash Thompson.

"Again excuse me, I'm not who you think I am. I'm a soldier who just got back from the Middle East".

"But you're two years younger than me, and I'm pretty sure I'd recognize the girl that punched me in the face".

"You're confused, sir. I don't know you and I don't have powers" I continued to lie.

"Yes you do; you're Will Rogers, the ex best friend of Peter Parker" he argued.

"Sorry- you know what I can't keep this up. How are you, Flash, get punched lately" I curled my hand into a fist.

"See, I knew it was you".

"Yeah, but if you mention this to Peter at all, I will find you, and I will use all the skills that I acquired in the army against you" I grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"You've gotten a little more terrifying".

"And you started working for SHIELD".

"Not anymore. I quit. I'm working for Parker's team".

"At least I never ran into you at SHIELD".

"I should go tell your brother about this right now, and he runs faster than I do, so he'll be here in a matter of minutes" Flash taunted.

"I can run faster than anyone I know, and I have a loaded gun" I threatened.

"How are you stronger than me. I'm taller than you".

"I'm so much like my father, it's scary, and you know who my father is".

"Yeah, I also know the man that adopted you. I could just tell Peter".

"I will end you, Flash, and I'm not kidding. You'll just be another name on the list of people that I've killed".

"Hey, do you want to go grab some coffee" Flash inquired. He was hitting on me.

"Never in a million years" I turned and walked away.

"Will, wait" he ran after me.

"Flash, it's not a good idea to date me and I don't want to go out with you because of what you did to me and Peter".

"And why isn't it a good idea to date you" he smirked.

"Because I have issues, and because I'm a lethal weapon".

"Sure you are".

"Peter never told you".

"Told me what".

"He never told you about my past. This is going to scare the shit out of you. I was born in 1943, I was created by Hydra to destroy the world. I'm three times your age, and I was supposed to kill you almost five years ago" I smirked as the smile on his face disappeared.

"You're kidding me".

"Nope, not even a little".

"Well, I feel like an idiot".

"Of course you do, and if you start calling me old lady, I will destroy you" I ran into an alley and climbed the fire escape. I jumped from roof to roof to get back to the airport.

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