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The men in suits came in the middle of the night. I didn't get a chance to fight back before I was knocked out.

I woke up on some sort of station or ship. "Shit" I mumbled. There were footsteps echoing down the hall, so I prepared for a fight.

"Will, what are you doing here" Coulson stared at me like I was a ghost.

"No idea. What the hell is going on".

"We're in a future where you and Daisy apparently destroyed the earth and the Kree are our rulers. It's confusing. What's new with you" That was a loaded question for me and I wanted to avoid answering it.

"Where's Daisy".

"Lower levels. We haven't heard from her yet".

"Then I'll go find her" I took off running towards what I assumed was an elevator.

The lower levels were completely white and clean. I quietly made my way through the maze of halls until I heard voices.

A blue man was pacing around, talking to Daisy. I blasted a ball of fire at him, striking him in the shoulder. Guards moved to restrain me, but the blue man stopped them.

"You must be the one they call Ragnarok" a wicked grin spread across his face.

"And I'm guessing that you're part of the Blue Man Group".

"You and Quake here are the Destroyers of the World".

"Well that's what I was created to do".

"I know, and I know that you're so much more powerful than anyone here" he put his hand on the side on my face. Some sort of chip was implanted behind my ear.

"And you didn't even flinch" he murmured "you must be Inhuman then".

"You're funny. I'm not Inhuman. I'm a full human, created in a test tube in 1942 and everything".

"Humans can't be that powerful".

"Try me" I lit a fire in my hand. He hit a button, which I assumed was connected to the chip that might suppress my powers. It didn't, but I turned the fire off anyways.

"Take the Inhumans away".

Daisy, another man, and I were led to another room. It was an arena of sorts.

"So this looks bad" Daisy whispered.

"Come on" I pulled her and the other man into a corner "my powers still work".

"That should be impossible" the man whispered.

"Well I have a computer in my brain, so it's not impossible for me. What's your power anyways".

"I can essentially read minds, but not yours".

"I know. I keep my mind very well guarded. Telepaths I don't trust are dangerous".

"Will, how are you here".

"Probably the same reason as you. Taken by scary government people, knocked out, woke up here. At first I thought I was going to prison; my boss found out about my past".

"Well that sucks".

"Yeah, I'm kind of a fugitive" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"So, Ragnarok-".

"My name is Will Rogers. Try and use my real name" I spat.

"Sorry, but they're going to auction you off to the highest bidder".

"Bring it on. It's not like I haven't been almost sold before" Daisy gave me a funny look "it's how I met the guardians of the galaxy".

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