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"Embrace your dreams, To become a hero, you need to have dreams and no matter what happens, protect your honor as SOLDIER"

Zack held his sword in front of him while leaning his head on it. As if it was a vow, a promise to be kept by a soldier.

Yes, it all started when he became  SOLDIER 1st class..

Zack Fair.

He was a friend, a brother and an inspiration to Cloud And Lyra. He was one of the few people they looked up to and he was the only person who was there when they needed someone the most, especially during those tragic times.

Of all people he was the one who discovered everything. The secret of Shinra, Hojo's plan, Sephiroth's identity.. Everything..

Sadly, all of those..

Lead to his own Destruction..

The death of Zack


the death of her..

Zack struggled to fight for him, for Cloud and Lyra. He struggled to fight for honor and dreams that he had. He fought until there was nothing left. Unfortunately, they were weak that time, unable to rest because of Hojo's experiments. 

Seeing him fight 'til his last breath. Lyra stood up to reach out for Zack and just in time, when Zack is at his peak of dying because of bullets. She was there to take it all for him.

"Lyra! NOOOOOO!!" Zack shouted

Her last words?

" For our dreams, our honor. Save yourself.. And Cloud"

But, in then end, everything was in vain. Zack still died , there were just too many of them and Cloud? He saw everything. Out of the three, he was the one who was mostly affected by the experiment, unable to move until his friend's final moment. Was only able to move to hear Zack's last words and goodbye.

After that, before Cloud walked away to continue with his life and fulfill his promise to Zack,  he carried Lyra and put her beside Zack. Saying thank you and Goodnight to the both of them.

It was painful and unbearable for Cloud.

His precious friends.

"I'm his Living Legacy and she was a special part of me. It was all my fault. If only I was strong, then maybe.. Just maybe both of them or one of them is still alive.."

That is it for the prologue guys, I'm not good with it and I absolutely struggle a lot when it comes to starting the ideas I have in a story. Do talk to me in the comments, follow or dm me if you'd like. I appreciate feedback as long as it's delivered professionally or nicely.

Thank you for the past votes and for the support.

( This story is made with music to be played almost every chapter, so before you read.. Tap the YouTube video.. That way you'll feel the story better.. Some chapters doesn't contain music so don't think something is broken.. To those who haven't played Crisis core and haven't watched advent children.. SPOILER alert with the next chapters.. Anyway Enjoy!!)

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