Part 9

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Getting up early in the morning. They headed to the lake for a little swim, well most of them except for Anika who was sitting on a big rock having her feet submerged to the water and Cloud who was leaning against a tree just near Anika staring at her and thinking how much she resembles Lyra.

' Somehow I feel the need to know all about her visions.' He thought.

"Yo! Spiky, come on and join us here will ya." Barret calling over Cloud made Anika turn her head and upper body towards Cloud's direction, Cloud tensed up a little before answering.

" Not interested" Barret then shrugged it off being used to Cloud's personality while Anika kept on staring at Cloud.

" Hey Cloud, Want to sit with me?" Cloud then just nodded his head and sat beside Anika.

'He-lloooo' Anika heard a familiar voice.

"Aerith?" Surrounded by white she saw herself standing on a flower bed being back to back with a girl in red.

'Hooray, you remembered'

" What is it?"

' Have you been to Nibelheim before?'

"No, but somehow I keep on hearing it from my visions"

' Cloud is from Nibelheim'

"Nibelheim?" This caught Cloud's attention.

" You've been to Nibelheim?" Cloud asked but Anika just shook her head for a no.

" You know Nibelheim?" Anika asked.

" That's my hometown."

" Oh.." so it's true she thought

" How about you?" Cloud asked that is yet again unanswered. Followed by a deep silence.

" I can take you there if you want, after all this mess." Anika's eyes suddenly brightened and nodded at Cloud gazing at his eyes.

Then a clear vision suddenly occured in Anika's head like it was a memory..

" You want to be in Soldier? Hang in there."

" Nothing, It's just my motion sickness kicking in." Blue eyes staring at her..

"Well I'm a country boy too."

" From where?"


"Hey tseng, good news me and..." the guy looked at someone for their name...


"Anika! You okay?" Anika came back to reality because Cloud was holding her shoulders. Everyone was already surrounding Anika and Cloud. Worried... Then she glanced at Cloud noticing his eyes... His Mako Infused Eyes..

'Nothing, It's just my motion sickness kicking in.'

Remembering those eyes from her vision. She suddenly wanted to cry, like she missed someone so much. Those eyes... those blue eyes... It looks just like Cloud's Mako Infused ones.

" I'm sorry it was nothing.. Cloud can you accompany me to Healen Lodge." Cloud nodded.

" Can we go guys? I need to go there." Everyone looked at each other then Tifa said ' Yes, if you really want to.' Feeling that it might help Anika in some way.

" Wait Anika before you go... We just uhm..." Rude said.

" Anika just go and ask boss why... but we just want to tell you something, Rude and I.. We're sorry.."

'I don't understand.. Sorry for what?' She thought.

Anika said thanks then they're on their way to Healen riding fenrir.

*** Time Skip ***

Getting closer to Healen, Anika suddenly asked Cloud...

" Hey Cloud what's it like in Nibelheim?"

" It's a quiet place.. Why did you ask?" Cloud replied while stopping in front of Healen Lodge. Anika just shook her head saying it was nothing before thanking Cloud, bidding goodbye...

She watched Cloud ride fenrir getting smaller and smaller by each second. Somehow everything was all so familiar about him..

Then she turned to the door, clearing her brain before opening it.

His Mako Infused Eyes (Cloud Strife Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now