Part 8

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Waking up, Anika noticed that it was already dark and there was a noise downstairs of people's laughter...

the door suddenly opening made Anika turn towards it..

" Hey Anika.. You awake?" Marlene then peeked at the door, noticing Anika sitting on the bed.. She opened the lights and walked over Anika..

" Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" Anika asked carrying Marlene on the bed.

" They told me to check up on you, if you're already awake and tell you that you should go downstairs to eat." Marlene said looking at Anika and then her face tilted slightly on the right and asked.

" Why do you wear a mask? And your hoodie, I've never seen you take it off.."

" Oh this.. Well you see.. Reno said I have to disguise like this because it's boss' order. Though I don't know why.." Anika said smiling at Marlene even though she knows Marlene can't see it.

" Can I... see your face?"

Anika made a movement like she was thinking then she nodded her head..

" Why don't I give you the honor of taking this mask and hoodie off, hmm sounds nice?" Anika said leaning over Marlene, the kid enthusiastically nodded and took off her mask and hoodie of slowly...

" Wow..." She whispered

" Why?" Anika asked smiling at her, her waist length hair falling over the side of her face and her body perfectly..

" You're pretty.. Your hair it's somewhat green, Brown and black all at the same time."

" Thank you.. Just be quiet about this okay" Anika said shyly.. And Marlene nodded.

" You look like the girl from Cloud's phone and wallet.. How long have you known each other Anika?"

" What? I just known Cloud since the start of Stigma only.."

" Oh yeah... I forgot, that girl, she's dead.. You know, Tifa once told me that Cloud used to smile a lot when Zack and that girl Lyra was still alive.. When Zack and Lyra died, Cloud changed.. He blamed himself, then there's Aerith's death too.. Tifa had the same photo on her room desk, she said it was taken from Nibelheim when they were in a mission.. Lyra and her were both navigators that time.. Though she said Lyra was working with Cloud and the SOLDIERS as they're own personal navigator so.. She spends a lot of time with Zack and Cloud.. They were good friends, but Tifa said Cloud has feelings for Lyra.."

' Zack? Aerith? Nibelheim? I've heard of that countless times in my Visions... Why? what is happening? Who are this Avalanche people and why... Why do they know so much about the people in my visions.. Why is Rufus disguising me?'

" I see, must have been hard for Cloud huh?"

" Anika." Both of them looking up at the door. They saw a red head.

" uhm.. Sorry Reno I showed Marlene my face but you don't have to worry she wouldn't say anything to anyone. right?" Looking at Marlene she nodded with a determined look and excused herself towards downstairs.

" geez, you're very fond with kids. What if you blow your cover?" Reno said smirking and sat on the bed.

" Reno can we talk about that?" She said while wearing her disguise.

" Sure, go ahead."

" Are you sure Rufus didn't tell you anything?"

" Yeah.." Reno said lying down.

" You promise?" Anika looked at Reno in the eyes while he's lying down. Reno looked up to her about to say something then Rude came in.

" Why Rude a very nice timing you have, care to join our conversation? Anika is asking if boss didn't tell us anything about her disguise... our decision lies on your answer.."

" Anika, if you're ready to know... Go and ask President.. He can answer all of your questions.. Not us."

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