Part 4

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"Uugghh.." Anika woke up in a room she's not familiar with.

"Finally awake?" shifting her eyes towards Cloud who was sitting at the other bed parallel to hers. Maybe this is the kids room she thought.

" Cloud how did I get here..?" She asked. Her eyes widening for a second before feeling her face and checking her hoodie.. Good, it's all still intact..

" Reno brought you here.. He said you collapsed suddenly.."

She nodded her head and thought Reno must have never wanted anybody to see her face but why?...

"How long have I been out? how about Midgar Edge? the kids?"

" You've been out for 3 days... The kids are safe we've taken care of it."

" So you decided to go and save them huh?"

" Well, I feel light.. Maybe I lost weight."

"What are you talking about?"

" All those Dilly dally.. I... remembered someone from your words"

" Who?" She asked curiously to him.. This topic got her attention and she really wants to know but Cloud just shook his head and changed the topic.

" Why did you pass out anyway?"

" Nothing I just had a vision. Why are you here anyway? Are you waiting for me to wake up?" Anika asked yet again. Cloud shifted from his sitting position putting his feet on the bed and turning away slightly acting all shy loooking away.

"Sort off.." he answered..

"Why?" Anika furrowed her eyebrows with curiousity and Cloud looked like he's shy about something his arms getting tigher around his knees slightly closing the wide gap between it

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"Why?" Anika furrowed her eyebrows with curiousity and Cloud looked like he's shy about something his arms getting tigher around his knees slightly closing the wide gap between it.

" Why do you always wear that cloak and mask?" he asked and she was slightly taken aback.. Thinking what to answer she opened her mouth and said..

" Anika. We need to leave now." Cloud and Anika looked suddenly to him in surprise.

" Oh hey Reno. Sorry Cloud I really have to go." Cloud only nodded and looked at Reno and the red head just looked away from him like he was guilty for something.

Getting back to their place Anika muttered..

"Reno.. We need to talk."

" About what? Do you have feelings for me? I know, I know" Reno said jokingly..

" Reno seriously.."

" Oohoo.. Someone's grumpy what is it about anyway?" Lying down on the sofa and closing his eyes. Anika grabbed a bean bag and placed it beside the sofa, sitting down facing Reno.

" Why do you make me wear clothes like this? Are you hiding me from someone?" Anika said looking at Reno who was now in a sitting position and is wearing a mixture of panicked and shocked face.

" I guess you do" She said gesturing at his own reaction.

" Okay, I guess we did hide your identity.. But just to the whole Avalanche.."

"We? You mean all of you knows?" Anika said shocked.

" The avalanche doesn't know.. Only Rude, Rufus and Me. Look we only want to uhmmm...." Anika crossed her arms waiting for his reasons..

"What?" tipping her foot on the floor.

" Stop doing that you're presuring me jeez, we're just following Boss' order. We don't know why." Reno said looking away from her hoping she'd buy that reason.

" Oh is that so.. Well I'm going.." Reno thanked The Gods for Anika's gullibleness before asking where she is going..

" I don't know.. Just gonna go anywhere my Motorbike takes me."

" Okay Anika... Be careful I don't want you passing out again and make sure your identity is hidden."

" Got it.. Bye red head" She said waving while Reno was quite irked for the nickname.

" You should've just told her." Rufus suddenly speaks with Rude holding his wheelchair.

" I don't know how.. She'll hate us." Reno and Rude looked down.

" What you did might make your already messed up relationship worst, but then again we still need her."

" Why do we still need to keep it from her? What do you really want with Lyra?" Reno asked.

" You see Lyra is a very special someone to Cloud."

" Yeah they were bestfriends right?" Rude asked confused about what Shinra said.

" It's quite special than just being friends... Lyra is Cloud's childhood sweet heart after all, up until he applied to Shinra company Corp. And up until they were work buddies.."

" What?! So you mean.. Cloud" Rude was shocked by the news.

" Yes, even if he denies it. It was always evident in the way he speaks, looks or moves around her. She have grateful influence on him."

" Then why? Why are we doing this? Can't we just bring her back?"

" After all this chaos I'll give her back.. As a symbol of my gratitude." Rufus said wheeling his wheelchair away..

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