Part 6

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" No need, I can go on my own." Anika defended herself and tried to walk again before completely falling back to Cloud's arms and holding on to his shoulders.

" You're obviously weak, let me take you there, for now take your mask off and that clo-"

" No! Don't! Please..." Anika said while stepping back from Cloud holding up her hands against her chest like she was so scared. Cloud was a little startled by her demand but in the end he just nodded his head and carried Anika bridal style putting her at the back of Fenrir.

" Do you want to fall?" he asked Anika and she just kept silent. Cloud looked behind and noticed she already fell asleep on his back. Taking her hands, he wrapped it around his waist, keeping a hold of her left hand on his own to avoid her falling off Fenrir. Anika is slightly awaken by his movements and squeezed his left hand unconsciously. Making Cloud think ' You're really just like her' before sighing.


" Come on. Hurry up we're heading back to Shinra." Tseng said to Zack, Cloud and Lyra waving his hands back and forth, gesturing for them to hurry up.

" Atlast!! Come on Cloud, hurry up SOLDIER" Lyra said from inside the chopper nagging Cloud to hurry up while Zack was waiting outside the entrance, both of them smiling.

" Ma'am" Cloud replied stiffly getting on the Chopper before Zack entered lastly.

" You're so stiff Cloud, you two have been friends longer than we did and yet you act like you just met her. I'm sensing some issues here " Zack said crossing his arms giving Cloud a knowing look.

Cloud only looked down until he felt something on his shoulders. Looking at his left he found Lyra already sleeping using his shoulder to lean on.. He slightly tensed which didn't go unnoticed by Zack.

" You two could pass as a couple." Zack said laughing while Cloud got shy with his eyes widened keeping his head down.

" As much as you'd like to talk about Cloud's love interest Zack, let me inform you guys that the person you are talking about is next to a door that can open anytime it wants to for it has damage so I suggest you, Cloud keep an eye on your childhood sweetheart." Cloud blushed furiously but didn't mind covering it because Lyra's safety is more important. Holding Lyra's hands tightly with his. Lyra squuezing his hands unconsciously, Cloud squeezed back never letting go until the end of the flight.

[End of Flashback]

" Hold on tight, mirror person of Lyra" Smiling and mumbling to himself before starting Fenrir's engine roaring through Midgar. Even though Anika heard it, she was too tired to even ask who that person is.

They're already halfway towards Rufus place when he received a mail.

Stopping for a moment, he parked near a wall and softly got off Fenrir so that Anika won't wake up. He took gentle hold of Anika's body, leaning her against the wall so that she won't fall off and is comfortable. Opening his phone up, to see 2 new voice mails. Opening up Tifa's voice mail first...

' Hey Cloud, I was wondering where you went off. Hope you're okay. Reno called, said he wanted to have 3 days and 2 nights camp trip on a cabin near the top of a mountain with a lake near it to go bond and have fun with the kids. Hope you can come.. Be safe, Cloud.'

Next he opened up Reno's...

' Yow spiky, I'm guessing you already know from Tifa since you always open her mail first. Come join us and bring Anika back, I feel like she's with you somehow... Take good care of her. Anyway I've sent you the location.. Avalanche will come too. Be there'

' You have no more messages' closing his phone

" I think we'll have a detour from here Anika" he said smiling at her slightly..

For some reason he felt like she was Lyra that's why he can get comfortable around her

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For some reason he felt like she was Lyra that's why he can get comfortable around her. Thinking maybe it was just destiny finding him a way to move forward.

Getting on Fenrir and taking Anika's hands again putting them back from their old position. He drove off, going to the camp site where everybody is.

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