Chapter 16

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Who would have thought that the day everyone was so happy because of the rain that can cure the geostigma crisis is also the day where two person will meet again to re enact the past..

Tifa stayed for a while and explained Lyra's situation that time, how she doesn't remember up until the time she said she was Lyra. Cloud just listened and never talked one bit.. Then when Tifa was finally gonna go Cloud said he'd still stay and would like to be alone..

He closed his eyes and thought about bringing Lyra to the church...

When he got there with Lyra in his arms, the place where it used to be a flower bed was now full of water with a big rock platform at the end. The only remaining flowers was those surrounding that platform and somehow Cloud felt that it was for Lyra.

So he lied her down there not letting the water touch her. Backing away he thought... 'It fits her like she's just sleeping..' But no.. She was not.. It was her eternal sleep..

" Why did you have to go again.." he whispered to her before turning his back on her.

" Cloud, have you forgiven yourself? You can let go of regret Cloud.. No one blames you.. It's okay" someone touched his shoulders

" But it's not Aerith.. It's not.. I had the chance to change what happened from the past.. But I.. Just couldn't save her. I'm not fit to help anyone.."

" It's okay Cloud.."

" It would have been okay if I could save the one I love." then Aerith let's go of Cloud's shoulder..

Cloud then leaned his on the rock where Lyra was lying.. His half body still submerged in the water.

" Hey Lyra.. You know I liked you a lot, since we were kids. I always looked out after you. It's funny how you didn't notice my feelings while everyone knew... I thought...  when the day comes that you'll say you love me... I'll be happy.." then he turned around and stared at her lifeless form.

" I never thought that when that time comes... It'll bring me sadness. I'm still hoping you would live but nothing repeats more than it's supposed to be. So for the first and last time.." he leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"I love you... "

He walked out of the Church and looked up..

' It hurts that today I saved hundreds of life but I can't save the life of the one I love..

"I thought... I want to be forgiven..' he thought..

Then a single drop of water fell on Lyra's cheeks before tears fell on the side of her face..

Then it rained...
Just like the way they feel...

' I'll be okay, we'll see each other again..
I promise... '

I'll be waiting for that day... Where I'll be able to see you're eyes open again with your bright smile..

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