Part 1

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"Hey Anika, get your butt off the bed! Get ready.. We're going to talk to somebody" Reno barged in to her room.

"Hush your voice down Reno I'm already awake.."

Dressed perfectly for the person they are going to talk to today.

black shorts, black tank top and sleeveless navy blue jacket that ended up until the back of her knees that is buttoned only on the middle part of her upper body so that her tank top and shorts can still be seen along with her legs and boots.

"Here why don't you put these on"

Reno gave her a plain kinda black mage jacket and a black mask to completely cover her Identity.

"Why do I need to wear this Reno?" She questioned him.

"Because you'll be one of us who'll attack Cloud when he opens the door.. Alright?" he said with obvious excitement and enthusiasm.

"Cloud? Who's he?" She asked yet again..

"Ohohooo you'll know later.." he then smirked.

She just shrugged her shoulder and followed Reno outside the living room to wait for the said man.

Just when they got out of her room the door opened.
Reno attacked the blonde haired man but to no avail.. He was kicked outside and got locked out.

Then Rude came in...

"Yeah Rude, looking sharp." Came a voice from outside.

Rude attempted to attack him.. But it's just how the word works. He didn't really get to do it. He just... Attempted.

He got stopped by Cloud before he can even make a move. That's when Anika came into the picture. Attacking Cloud from behind, the fight could've lasted longer if only Rufus didn't come. It ended quite fairly for the both of them. Anika holding her sword up preventing Cloud's sword from going further and same goes for Cloud.

"I see you're fighting like a Soldier, just like the way you claim to be before." Rufus said

Cloud just glanced at Rufus for a second and then turned his gaze back towards the black masked and hooded girl. He just looked at her for a little while then asked 'Who she is'

Reno succesfully opening the door answered for her..

"She's Anika our newest member here."

"So she's a turk?" Cloud asked.

"Not really, she's just staying with us until she fully recovers" Reno answered

"Fully reco-" Cloud was just about to ask once again until he was cut off by Reno.

"Enough of her already, so are you going to join us?"

" Too bad, I'm a delivery guy now." Cloud said before turning and walking to the door but, Rufus stopped him. Explaining about Shinra, the world, Genova cells, the life stream, geostigma, the orphans at their house and Sephiroth.

But in the End he was..

"Not interested" Cloud said going out.

Anika just stared at the door where Cloud left..

"Hey, Reno..."

"Yes?" Reno looked at Anika from the corner of his eyes while they're looking at the blonde haired man driving away.

"Who is he? His eyes... It's also Mako Infused like mine.."

Closing her eyes and touching her lids. Reno answered that made her somewhat curious about Cloud.

" Don't mind him. You'll know him sooner or later." smiling at her with a meaning she didn't quite get.. She accepted the answer and gone straight to her room.

"Why are we even keeping it from her and Cloud anyway?" Rude suddenly asked making Reno jump slightly then relaxed..

" I think it's not yet the appropriate time to tell her. We just recently found out something about her too anyway. I don't even know how to tell her. It's been a couple of years since we found her.. I don't even know if she can take it in." Reno said looking at Anika's room door sadly.

(A/n her name is pronounced as Lira/leera not layra/lara or liera)

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