Part 5

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Not knowing where to go and just wanting to be alone.. She let her body take over her actions.. Driving left and right.. Zooming anywhere.. She ended up at Midgar's Sector 5 Aerith's Church..

Reaching the beautiful flower beds.. She spoke..

"Why here?"

Closing her eyes..

" He-lloooooo!"

Opening her eyes she saw a girl wearing a red outfit with a red ribbon tied around her curly hair and all the things around her is completely white..

" You okay?"

" I uhm yeah..who- who are you?"

" I'm Aerith" She said slowly fading away.

" Aerith?"

" You know her?" swiftly spinning around, Anika was about to pull her blades but she was stopped by Cloud holding her wrist while looking at her straight in the eyes..

" Don't panic. It's just me." letting her go and sitting down with his one leg up and his arms resting on his knees while his other hand is resting on the floor.

"Oh.. Sorry.."

" So, you know Aerith?"

" No.. Who is she?" asking Cloud sitting an arm length beside him.

" Don't lie, I heard you say her name.." Cloud said looking at her from the corner of his eyes.

" Yes, I heard her voice and I saw her but I don't really know her."

Cloud thought that maybe Aerith showed up for this is where she always was... Sector 5 Slums Church.. Or Aerith's Church which is often called by many..

The conversation stopped for a few minutes and a deep silence ensued, though it's not an awkward silence.. It's a very comforting one and very familiar to her.. Something she felt before...

" Hey how many times have you heard her? Or see her atleast.. Aerith I mean, how many?"

" Well this is the first time. Though I know for a fact she's not one of my visions."

" Visions?" he asked this time about it, instead of letting go.

" Well visions are for those who don't rem-" abruptly stopping, she remembered that she can't tell anybody from Avalanche about it but for some reason she always slips everything away when it comes to Cloud.

" For those who don't what?"

" I'm sorry I can't tell you, I promised someone not to tell anybody, so a promise made is a promise kept." Cloud stared at her for a long time, thinking ' there she goes again, sounding and talking like her'. At Cloud's stare, she grew shy. Even if she knows Cloud can only see her eyes, she still became self conscious.

" Why are you staring at me?" Cloud shook his head and said..

" Nothing I just remembered someone."

" You always remembered someone from me. I'm starting to get curious who that person is."

" She's Lyra... Lyra Burnheart but I doubt you even know her. She died a few years ago." Cloud was shocked, he was opening up to a person he doesn't completely know, but if it's her it was always okay for him like he knew her. Of course he hid that shocked feeling he felt..

" Sorry, I didn't mean to.."

" It's fine, I'm going forward now.."

Suddenly her head ached gasping before holding it, Cloud grew worried for her..

' No! Not now!' she thought.

" Aaaggghh!! Make it stop! It's killing me!" Cloud panicked and stood up, running for her aid. Holding her hands that is holding her head and the other holding her shoulder..

" Anika! Anika! Do you need something, I'll go get it for you. What can I do?!" Cloud said awfully worried that it's even evident on his handsome face.

" I want to be a SOLDIER but I'm not confident."

" Well, I'm a country boy too."

" Don't go SOLDIER, that world is nothing but monster."

" Nibelheim"

" Hey guys, What would you do if we get to Midgar?"

" What happened to you Sephiroth?"

" I'm having trouble of getting the others."

" Zack, the puppy."

" Hey Tseng good news Me and..


Her Visions started to have blurry faces... She can see blurry images of person's from her past. Unlike before, she can only hear voices.. One scene keeps on repeating everytime she had visions..

'It was snowing there... I know it for a fact.. But why is it always unfinished.'

' Black, Golden, and White haired persons. Who are they? I need a clear vision.'

The throbbing of her head stopped so she abruptly stood up giving Cloud a mini heart attack.

" I need to go home" Anika said walking before her knees gave up on her. Good thing is that Cloud's fast reflexes is put to good use.

" I'll take you there" Anika just slightly pushed him away from her but Cloud kept his arms near in case she falls again.

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