Chapter 15

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Tifa's shout made Cloud turn around catching Lyra in an instant. Avalanche finished Yazoo and Loz off before looking at the two who was now on the ground..

And Cloud.. He just stared frozen at the girl in his arms before muttering her name softly..

" L-Lyra? It's you.." he stuttered. He was in shock. All this time, it was her all along. His eyes widely open, his mouth slightly agape.

" Cloud, I'm sorry.... I took so long to remember.." Lyra said in pain with tears falling from her eyes..

" Shhh.. It's okay.. Don't talk we'll get you out of this situation, just explain to me later okay..." Cloud said while caressing her hair. His voice shaking... His eyes teary..

" Your eyes.. Still beautiful as ever.. I miss you so much.. Too bad.. This had to... happen again.. I can't... pay for the time we've lost.." She said before holding Cloud's hand tightly against her face..

" Don't say that! Just stay! You'll live... You did it once. Do it for me again now Lyra.. Please.." Cloud said softly, touching her forehead with his.

" I'm sorry.. I love you.." Lyra said hugging Cloud back before kissing him on the lips and closing her eyes slowly..

" No! No! Not again please.. Lyra, wake up.." with no sign of life.. Cloud couldn't contain his emotions and shouted while the rain poured harder.

" Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" This scene was familiar.. This feeling.. Heartache, sorrow, pain.. Everything...

Everyone just bowed their heads in sadness. Cloud never showed any emotions. Just this time and it had to be pain.. They just watched. Unable to do anything.. Just waiting for him to calm down until he stopped grieving.. Tifa walked slowly into that scene and said softly..

" You really love her, don't you?"

" More than anything..." Cloud answered sadly..

His Mako Infused Eyes (Cloud Strife Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now