Part 10

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" Reno and Rude said you'd come.. I guess you're ready to know who you really are..." closing the door she readied herself for the truth before nodding.

" Who am I really?" Walking towards Rufus she stopped an arm away.

" Your name is Lyra Burnheart a former navigator of Shinra, you work under me along with other soldiers. Specifically Zack, Sephiroth and Angeal." Throwing some files about her and the said Soldiers, Lyra picked it up to read it.

" Zack you say?" Anika suddenly looked at Rufus. Remembering Zack from her visions.

" Does it ring any bells? He was your friend, Soldier first class Zack Fair."

" Well where is he?"

" He died 4 years ago.. You were 18 that time and we thought you were dead too.. but when they found you, you're pulse is softly beating."


" Reno get the chopper down" Elena one of the turks said.

"You got it."

Tseng ordered them to check everyone until his attention got caught by two familiar faces. Getting closer he confirmed it is indeed Zack and Lyra.

" This guy is surely dead but the girl's pulse is weakly beating. Weak but beating" Reno said after checking their pulses.

" Take her to our personal Doctor, we'll do what we can to keep her alive." Tseng ordered.

(End Of Flashback)

" When you woke up you don't remember anything. So we decided to keep everything a secret."

" Why.. Why did you hide it from me? Reno and Rude, do they know?" Confusions, a little anger, doubts and anxiousness was all Lyra was feeling right now.

" No, at first, they found out a week or two before Cloud appeared here at Healen because of some files on my desk."

" Why didn't you tell me?"

" Why would I? I know that there'll be a time that we'll get to meet Cloud again, I thought I could use you as a token of my gratitude if he agreed with helping us."

" What does Cloud have to do with this Rufus?" She questioned curious why Cloud was related to this.

" Cloud is your long time friend along with Lockhart. You three are from Nibelheim. That was where the start of chaos began but I can't tell you any more than that. You might find answers with Cloud if you reveal yourself. He'd be surprised. Delighted even" Rufus said.

' So Cloud knew me? He was talking about me at the church.. Marlene and Tifa knew me? Everyone knew...' She was shocked.. Flabbergasted by all this news and apparently she can't take it all in. Tears fell from her eyes... It's like all the weight on her heart has been lifted. It's like a missing piece have been finally found.

" As a way of apologizing here is my gift for you.. To be able to remember more faster." Rufus said before injecting something on her arms without consent.

" Arrrrgggh!" Anika held her head. Completely in pain. The next thing that happened was that it was all black until she fell unconscious.

Dreams in her head started forming. It started from blurry until it became clear... Giving her a little ache in the heart.

"Well hello our trusty navigator, always been there to help us in our mission the names Zack." Helding out his hands for a shake.

"Atleast someone's keeping up"

"Well I'm a country boy too"

" I'll protect her as best as I can.." A blurry guy with blue eyes said.


"Hey Zack I haven't seen you use that.." his face still blurry

"Me? gongaga" Zack answered.

" It's about wear, tear and rust and that's a real waste."

"Like you've been there"

" I.. I need to go to Midgar, want to come with me?"

" No, I haven't but there's a Mako reactor there right? A Mako reactor outside Midgar usually means"

" Nothing else out there"

" Embrace your dreams, and protect your honor as SOLDIER"

" Hey Tseng, good news Me and..." then Zack looked at someone..

The boy removed his helmet revealing his face. Everything was all clear except with this guy..


"Hey, you alright?" Suddenly a new memory appeared. A blonde haired kid...

Waking up in the middle of the night. Anika heard Rude and Reno talking.

" She's been asleep for 2 day now... Would Anika be mad at us when she wakes up?" Anika listened to Reno's voice.

" Am I mad?"

" Should you be?"

" Huh?" Lyra turned her head to the side to be able to see whom that voice belong to.. Seeing a black haired man wearing all black sitting on her bed. Everything was white...

" You might not remember me right now so I'm Zack."

" Zack?" She sat up on the bed's edge and continued.

" I remember you now... Somehow..."

" Yeah... Cloud misses you probably.."

" Cloud huh?..." She answered.

"It's good to talk to you again Lyrs." Then she was hugged from the back before he completely vanished.

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