Part 3

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" They're at Midgar Edge right now so we should hurry."

" Vincent!" Tifa exclaimed surprised to see Vincent there.

"Tifaaa." Marlene came running from Vincent's tattered cape to Tifa's welcoming arms.

" Tifa bring Marlene back at the bar, I'm going to talk to Rufus and get some answers." Cloud said walking towards the Church's exit.

"Forget it Cloud! When are you ever going to pay attention to us!" Marlene said angrily which made Cloud stop and turn around with wide eyes.

"Dilly dally, shilly shally" Tifa added

" I think they want you to move on man. Forget it, you go.. Midgar Edge is all yours." Reno said leaving with Rude.

" Stop running! I know we can make this. Let us help you. Memories or us?" Tifa said

" You know Cloud If you don't try to save just one life, you wouldn't be able to save any." Cloud looked at Anika again. Remembering those words.. Those exact same words she said at Nibelheim's Mako reactor when Zack needed help on defeating Sephiroth.


" Finish him off Cloud" Zack said before falling unconscious.

" Lyra how? How am I gonna finish Sephiroth off. He's stronger than me. Do you have any ideas. Any plans?" Cloud said panicking while picking up Zack's sword

Lyra walked closer to him
"Cloud look at me, look at me" She said while she cupped Cloud's face and turned it to her.

"Relax, I know you can do this. If you don't try to save just one life, you wouldn't be able to save any Cloud remember that. I'll look after Zack and Tifa now go! go!" Cloud nodded and ran towards the stairs, finding a reason to fight... To defeat Sephiroth.

[End of Flashback]

Cloud shook his head then he heard a voice..

" You know.. Lyra's right about that.."

"Z-Zack?" Cloud asked..

" Maybe Lyra is still with you, you know.. Guiding you.. Not really there but atleast her heart remembers and remains with you.."

" You mean she's making a way to send me a message from the lifestream?" Cloud asked once again finally understanding..

" This shouldn't be a sinch Cloud.. You should know what I mean..."

Cloud just nodded his head.. Then he was back to reality..

"I'll go to Midgar Edge, you guys sort this out." leaving the church. They heard her Motorbike roaring away.

Zooming towards Midgar Edge, Anika's vision suddenly became blurry then she fell off her bike.. Rolling over the dusty streets of Midgar and her bike sliding away from her and ending up on a wall with a loud crash..

Her head pounding..

"Aaaarrrgghhaaa!!" She shouted in pain. Visions started filling her head.

"Well hello our trusty navigator, always been there to help us in our mission the names Zack."

"Atleast someone's keeping up"

"Well I'm a country boy too"

" I'll protect her as best as I can.."


"Hey Zack I haven't seen you use that.."

"Me? gongaga"

" It's about wear, tear and rust and that's a real waste.

"Like you've been there"

" I.. I need to go to Midgar, want to come with me?"

" No, I haven't but there's a Mako reactor there right? A Mako reactor outside Midgar usually means"

" Nothing else out there"

" Embrace your dreams, and protect your honor as SOLDIER"

" Hey Tseng, good news Me and..."


"No! No! Stooop! Aaaggghh!" rolling to her side she curled up like a ball while holding her head. Her hoodie got removed from her head due to going in circles, her breathing is ragged causing her to take off her mask to be able to breath better... Until she just blacked out..

The last thing she saw was a man carrying her.

His Mako Infused Eyes (Cloud Strife Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now