Chapter 12

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" This is Nibelheim... Your home." Reno said, his hand gesturing at the place..

Lyra looked at the place.. ' How nostalgic' she thought. The wind blows gently on her face feeling cold but warm at the same time. She felt secured and refreshed. Everything was all so familiar.... She feels like she missed everything...

" Thank you Reno. I'll come back as soon as I can. Thank you Rude for bringing my motorbike here." She smiled at Reno and Rude

Reno just sighed before saying...

" Okay, but you know you can remove your disguise once in a while, you take it easy.. Everything will fall into place" Reno said smiling at Lyra before pulling her mask off of her pretty face and handing it to Lyra.

" Alright but I'll leave the hoodie on just in case." She said before smiling brightly, her lips curving into perfection. Watching Reno and Rude get on the chopper.. Lyra started walking when she couldn't see them anymore.

She ended up on a hill with a single tree there. Walking to it she tripped falling on the grassy field..

" Ouch" she muttered. Using her hands for support to sit up but she suddenly stopped.

" Hey, you alright?" A blonde haired kid approached her.. Stretching his hands out for her to take..

" I uhm thank you, I'm sorry I'm just clumsy.." Lyra said taking his hands..

" It's okay I'm Clo---" the kid said smiling at her. His blue eyes sparkling beautifully.

" I'm Lyra Burnheart, nice to meet you." she smiled sweetly at him

" A memory.. Of...a. Kid?" Confused but somehow.. She was fond of the memory... Walking again.. Shinra's mansion was in her view.. Walking towards it, as soon as she opened the door.. A flashback came..

" It's better than nothing"

" We'll stay here for the night, I'll find you guys some spare clothes.."

" Hey Zack, I never seen you use that"

" It's about wear, tear and rust. Now, that's a real waste."

" I'm going to Midgar want to come with me?"

Walking again she stumbled across a Mako Reactor. Then her brain hurts a little.. Flinching a bit she heard voices...

" I'll protect her as best as I can sir" someone said wearing an infantryman uniform.

" Lyra how? How am I gonna finish Sephiroth off. He's stronger than me. Do you have any ideas. Any plans?" someone asked panicking.

" I want to be a SOLDIER but I'm not confident." the blurry man just looked at the ground.

" Hey, it's okay you can make it alright" Lyra kissed the guys forehead and hugged him while the guy just hugged back burying his face on Lyra's neck.

" Don't go SOLDIER, that world is nothing but monster."

" Who was that guy... And a memory of Z- Zack?" she wanted to remember that guy she hugged from her vision. She felt like she missed him.. So much..

"You called for me?" Lyra found herself back to back with Zack.

" Zack? I can't seem to remember more.. Can you.. Help me? That was yours wasn't it. It was your memory.. But who was the other?" Lyra said facing Zack who was still not looking at her.

Turning his head before his body, he said..

" You know Lyra, I knew it was you from the beginning. You don't need to be troubled anymore.. Follow the steps of the past, you'll find your future. It's just waiting.. Beyond the rocky roads is where you'll remember most..." then Zack walked past through her while Lyra just closed her eyes feeling the presence of Zack vanishing.

Then a vision came..

" Hey guys what are you gonna do when we get to Midgar?"

" We're friends right?"

' Follow the steps of the past, you'll find your future. It's just waiting.. Beyond the rocky roads is where you'll remember most.'

Remembering a certain place... Her eyes widened.. She ran.... Hopping on to her motorbike and roared her way towards Midgar's desserted road. Only one thing in her mind..

" You'll be my living legacy.."

' I'll be able to remember.. I know I will..' she thought.. Determined..

Just wait for me Cloud...

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