Part 7

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Arriving at the said place, Cloud got off and leaned on Fenrir so that Anika is using his shoulder to sleep on. He stared at Anika. Reaching up his arm towards Anika's hoodie and grabbing it...

' No! Don't! Please...' Anika said while stepping back from Cloud holding up her hands against her chest like she was so scared.

That scene at the church flashing in his mind and remembering Lyra when she was scared, he couldn't bring himself to pull her hoodie so he let go of it slowly, his head looking down.. Muttering a little sorry for Anika even though she's asleep.

Then he carried Anika inside, getting greeted by everyone's shocked stares.

" Anika!" Reno and Rude said in unison before running towards Cloud.

" What happened to her?" Rude

" What did you do to her?! " and Reno asked Cloud while Reno is getting angry.

" Relax, she's just asleep. I just don't want to wake her up. I'll bring her upstairs."

Reno and Rude sighed and nodded.

Before Cloud walked upstairs, he turned around and called Tifa.

" Tifa, follow me.. I need to tell you something." Tifa was slightly taken aback because Cloud almost never did tell her anything.

Going upstairs and tucking Anika in bed.. Cloud sat on the right side of Anika's bed looking at Anika while Tifa sat on the other bed facing Cloud.. Silence in the atmosphere until Cloud decided to speak...

" She.. She said Aerith's name back at the church." he muttered..

" Probably because of Reno, you know."

" I thought so too but, when I asked she said she didn't and it's the first time she heard and saw her."

" Do you think Aerith was reaching for her?"

" But why?" Cloud asked Tifa still staring at Anika's masked and hooded face.

" Well, maybe she's someone from Aerith's past or Zack's."

" Zack?" this caught Cloud's attention making him look up at Tifa.

" We'll never know Cloud.. Not until we see her face." Tifa smiled.

" but she doesn't want to. She's... scared..." Looking at Anika again. Tifa stood up and patted Cloud's shoulder.

" She could be an important part of the past or maybe she wasn't really part of anything and just heard Aerith because she's there at the church. We'll know her sooner or later.. For now let's stop this conversation before she have the chance to hear us.." Cloud nodded his head..

Hearing the door close.. He suddenly heard a voice and was like in a different dimension.. He was stepping on a flower bed.

" Curious about her?"

" Zack? Why?"

" I know she's important."

" Important? What do you mean?"

" She was a part of Shinra too, a part of SOLDIER."

" Does she... know you?

" Yes.. "

"Cloud save her." Aerith then said.

" But I let you die."

" I never blamed you for anything. You came that's all that matters. Aerith said holding Cloud's arm, Cloud nodded to them before they vanished but Aerith left her words in the air..

" Don't forget Cloud... Everything will be okay.."

" -oud"

" Cloud?"

" Hey Cloud can you hear me?" feeling his face being held by someone while gently tapping his cheeks..

He looked at Anika and held her hands on his large ones, one question slipped away from his tongue even when he didn't even mean to ask it.

" Who are you, really? I want to know." he said with complete sincerity like he was mesmerized. Anika abruptly detracted her hands from Cloud and answered.

" What are you saying? I'm Anika." She said, giving Cloud a weirded look.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to ask.." Cloud stood up and walked towads the door, exiting the room.

Anika was left dumb founded and continued her sleep, still tired.

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