Chapter 11

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Reno and Rude stood up when they saw Lyra coming out of her room. They just stared at each other.

" Can we guys talk?" Lyra started.

Reno and Rude nodded their heads and just gazed at the ground completely guilty.

" You guys can sit down you know...." Lyra said while sitting on the sofa in front of the guys who abruptly sat on the sofa parallel to Lyra's.

" I... We're sorry! We didn't mean to hide it from you. It's just that, it's boss' order and we don't even know how to say it to you Lyra- I mean Anika.. We'll do anything just forgive us..." Reno said fast completely sorry.. Rude just nodded his head before muttering a sorry silently.

" It's okay.... From now on call me Lyra. I know it's not your fault but next time don't keep any secrets from me okay? You don't know how hard it is to feel like there's something missing from the back of your mind. "

" We promise, never ever again..."

" Thank you..." Lyra said but what Reno asked next made Lyra think...

" So what are you gonna do? Now, that you know Cloud knows you from the past... Are you gonna let him know you're alive?" Reno asked while plopping down on the sofa.

" I don't know... I still don't remember him well so maybe... I'll just get going with our friendship until my memories get back as for now... Since you want to be forgiven.. I do have a place that I want to go to.."

" What is it? You name it.." Reno said

" Nibelheim"

" Okay.. We're set. We'll go to Nibelheim first thing in the morning tomorrow."

" Okay, for now I'll go to Tifa and see if I can remember more.." Lyra said smiling..

" You'll reveal yourself now?"

" No, I'm not planning to but maybe.. I don't know it depends on what I feel if I want to... Until I remember it who I really am and the people around me, I'm just gonna depend on how I feel.." Lyra said before closing the door, heading off to 7th Heaven..

" Anikaa!" Marlene exclaimed before enveloping Lyra with a hug getting a hug back from Lyra.

" Hey you okay now?" Tifa then came from the stairs...

" Yeah, hey Tifa where is Cloud?"

" He's out for a delivery" Tifa answered.

" I see can I talk to you about me. I mean us... I want to confess something, but I need you to keep this from Cloud so can we talk somewhere he wouldn't be able to see or hear us when he comes back?"

" Yeah come on let's go to my room he never barged in there and Cloud is not the type to listen to conversations" Lyra nodded and they locked the door.

Lyra walked to the window, back facing Tifa before saying..

" Tifa what country were you from?.."

" Nibelheim. Why did you ask?" Tifa asked completely curious why would Anika ask her that.

" Before I answer that I want to know something about her. Can you give me that?" Lyra asked sitting beside Tifa on the bed edge, pointing at a picture with Cloud wearing his infantryman uniform, Zack who was smiling brightly with his arms crossed, Tifa wearing a brown cowboy outfit holding her hat and another girl wearing a black fitted attire like an agent smiling sweetly arms at her back.. Tifa and Anika stared at each other.

Somehow a part of her wants to tell something to Anika in front of her, which she doesn't know that Lyra is the girl in front of her.. She somehow wondered why would Anika want to know about Lyra..

Which lead her to agreeing and telling something about Lyra.

" She's Lyra Burnheart a friend of mine and Cloud since we were just kids.. She died four years ago. The same day as Zack's death and the same day when Cloud changed and quit working for Shinra." Tifa said getting the picture from the desk staring at it.

" Why did Cloud quit working for Shinra?"

" because..... It's the soldiers of Shinra that caused Lyra and Zack's death.. Cloud said to me that somewhere along the rocky roads is where they were attacked. He was sad when I saw him again.. He blamed himself for the death of Zack and Lyra.. Even though it wasn't his fault.. He was still weak that time and he blamed his weakness.. Zack and Lyra wasa very importand friends of his and also mine..."

" I see..." Lyra then looked at the ground before saying..

" Tifa... tomorrow, we'll talk again I just need to sort something first.. At Aerith's church okay.."

Tifa just nodded while watching Anika walk away.... Somehow a sense of familiarity was all she could feel from Anika...

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