Chapter 13

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" Zack... I told you, I won't forget. But I.. I'm letting go little by little. I promised... I'll be your living legacy.. I said it but.. It's hard.... It's hard now that you and Lyra are gone.." Cloud said to the place where Zack's buster sword was standing.. The cliff where Zack died and where he last held the special girl of his life..

Lyra who was just listening behind a rock felt pain... Like little needles were pricking her heart..

" Lyra.... I'm sorry. If only I was strong, maybe you didn't die.. Maybe Zack was still alive along with you. This memories... I'll cherish them.. Your words, it feels like I can't do anything without it. I need it, I need you.." Cloud said with so much sorrow from his voice.

The ache in Lyra's heart increased. She feels Cloud's loneliness, she felt his grief and longing. Taking a look at Cloud, she saw him kneeling on the ground holding on to the sword that was there.. Lyra wanted to run there and hug him, but she knew... She knew he needed time and she needed time as well...

Cloud then suddenly stood up...

" I won't forget.. I never will.. I promise" he said before starting to walk away. Lyra circled the rock to hide from Cloud. But suddenly Cloud stopped from walking.. Lyra saw him kneel on the ground while holding his left arm that is covered with black cloth... She saw him feel pain while black was dripping from his hands...

" Geostigma?!" She whisper shouted..

Then Cloud fell unconscious beside the sword.... Lyra ran to Cloud's side kneeling on the ground and picking up Cloud's upper body and head to place it on her lap..

" Cloud?! Cloud?! Are you alright?" staring at Cloud she caressed his face gently and removed some strands of his hair from his face before noticing she was in front of the sword..

" So, this is where I died..." holding the Sword and tracing her fingers along with it's now rusted surface while her other hands held Cloud keeping him on her lap...

She remembered..

" It's about wear, tear and rust. Now, that's a real waste.."

" Zack... I want to know.. I want to remember.." she said and tears finally flowed on her face..

" It's hard.. To have a space from the back of your mind.. I want to know who you are and Tifa.. I want to remember everyone.. And I want to remember Cloud." She stated looking at Cloud gently stroking his hair while her tears drip on Cloud's cheeks.. Sobbing..

She heard voices...

" Z-zack?"

" For the.. Both of Us..." Zack said

" Both of Us.."

" That's right.. You're gonna.." Zack showed pain from the bullets then held that person's head before pulling that person towards his bloody chest.

" You're gonna?"

" You're gonna Live... You'll be my living legacy.." Zack then gave his sword to the guy..

"My dreams, my honor.. They're yours now." Zack said smiling even with the pain he was feeling...

" I'm your living legacy..." Zack closed his eyes after hearing this entering his eternal sleep.

" Zack? No..... Lyra where?"

Then a blurry vision in her mind came.. A man walking towards her... Her vision was getting clear whenever he got closer until...

" Lyra? Lyra?!" she saw Cloud trying to wake her up, but he failed..

" Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" Cloud screamed from agony..

Then her head ached..

" Arrrggghhh!" Lyra shouted holding her head letting go of Cloud.. Her visions clear now.. Like it was a flashback..

" Hey, you alright?" A blonde haired kid approached her.. Stretching his hands out for her to take..

" I uhm thank you, I'm sorry I'm just clumsy.." Lyra said taking his hands..

" It's okay I'm Cloud" the kid said smiling at her. His blue eyes sparkling beautifully.

" I'm Lyra Burnheart, nice to meet you." she smiled sweetly at him

" I'll protect her as best as I can sir" Cloud said wearing an infantryman uniform.

" Lyra how? How am I gonna finish Sephiroth off. He's stronger than me. Do you have any ideas. Any plans?" Cloud asked panicking.

" I want to be a SOLDIER but I'm not confident" Cloud just looked at the ground.

" Hey, it's okay you can make it alright" Lyra kissed Cloud's forehead and hugged him while Cloud just hugged back burying his face on Lyra's neck muttering a thank you..

" Hey Tseng me and..." Zack stopped and looked at someone..

He removed his helmet and smiled...

" Cloud.. "

" I'll never forget you I promise.."

" We'll be working together.. We won't separate.."

" It's just my motion sickness kicking in..."

" Always keep this with you.." then a ring pendant was given to her with a design of a lion holding a ring on it's mouth..

All just came rushing through her.. She remembered it all now.. Crying more.. She smiled.. She held Cloud again and hugged him tightly..

" I remember now.. I remember everything.. Cloud... I remember you now. I'm sorry... I took so long... I'll come back I promise.." she muttered and held her necklace... While hugging Cloud.. She missed him so much..

'So this is yours all along.. I was hiding it underneath this hoodie.. This is yours huh...' she thought before looking at the wolf statue on Cloud's shoulder and his earrings.. ' That's why it resembles it so much..' she  then kissed Cloud on the forehead before remembering...

" Tifa! I need to go to her now.." Wearing her mask, she slung Cloud's arms on her shoulder and made him hop on her motorbike.... Securing his safety.. she sped of to 7th heaven bar first to drop off Cloud before heading to Sector 5 slums church..

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