Chapter 14

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Opening the door of the church. Lyra immediately saw Tifa looking at Marlene who was playing with the flowers.

" Anika!" Marlene exclaimed running over towards Lyra who welcomed her embrace. Tifa just looked at them while Lyra returned the look Tifa was giving her.

" Tifa, I finally remembered." Lyra said looking at Tifa who gave her a confused look.

" Marlene sweetie.. I'm not Anika.." Lyra said looking at Marlene.

" Huh? So you mean..." Marlene wasn't able to continue her words because Tifa's phone suddenly rang.

" Kadaj's group were planning to revive Sephiroth from the start, their fighting at Shinra's old building right now, wherever you are I suggest you guys be careful. I know Lyra's with you so take care of her..." Reno said before ending the line. Tifa couldn't believe what she heard. Her heart ached. She missed Lyra but she was confused.

' Why did he say Lyra's name. Could it be?' she thought, now curious of the girl in front of her.

" Lyra? He said Lyra.. Are you.. c-could it be that you're..-" Tifa gasped when she saw Lyra remove her hoodie and mask.

" I am Lyra..... And I'm so so..... sorry Tifa, I just remembered everything. At first I really didn't know you guys because of those medicines Rufus gave me to revive me from what happened 4 years ago. I didn't know I was me and they just told me this past few days and I went to Nibelheim to remember and I'm sorry if it's only just-" Lyra wasn't able to continue her words for Tifa hugged her tightly.

" No, you don't have to say sorry.. You don't know how much we missed you.. Especially Cloud.. He'll be happy..." She smiled and embraced Lyra tightly then Lyra remembered the phone call.

" Who called?"

" Reno said There's trouble at Shinra's old building. Cloud is fighting Sephiroth right now. We should hurry.." Tifa said to Lyra before telling Marlene to go home safely and wait for them to come back.

Getting there Lyra saw Sephiroth again and she was about to charge and help Cloud before she was stopped by Tifa.

" Let him.. It's his fight.." Lyra looked at Tifa before looking at Cloud worriedly.

" Tell me what do you cherish most? Give me the pleasure of taking it away.." Sephiroth said before charging at Cloud. Stabbing him with his sword multiple times.

Cloud fell on his knees.. Making Lyra scream.

" Cloud!!!" Cloud heard that and looked at Lyra..

Then everything went white..

" You need a hand with him?" Cloud stayed frozen to where he was looking. He thought he saw Lyra.

' She's dead... It's impossible...' he thought and disregarded what he saw by shaking his head to answer Zack.

" You defeated him once Cloud this shouldn't be a sinch" Cloud then stood up..

" Yeah, I know..."

" You remember what I told you right?" Zack asked Cloud..

" I would never forget Zack.. You and Lyra.. I'm your living legacy"

Zack smiled before vanishing. Cloud started to attack Sephiroth in the air by using omnislash version 6.

"You just don't get it at all.. There is not a thing I don't cherish" He ended it all with a powerful hit before landing on the ground.

" Stay where you are.. In my memories" Cloud said looking up at Sephiroth who has his black wing spread widely

" I will never be... A memory..." Those were Sephiroth's last words before turning back into Kadaj's form.

Kadaj was soon taken away into the lifestream and then the rain suddenly poured. Cloud closes his eyes and feel the rain dripping on his skin along with the cold breeze it was giving..

Lyra ran towards him excited to let him see her... Excited to hug him, see the surprise in his face and finally tell him that it's okay, that she's fine and alive.. That they could be together again. Excited to be home....

But sadly.. The past just has to repeat itself...

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!'

" Lyraaaaaa!!"

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