Chapter 17

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Weeks have passed since the crisis was cured, but never did Cloud forget about Lyra.

He was now lying down on the church with his arms covering his eyes. Tired, sad and drained of staring at Lyra's lifeless form and probably just guarding her soul less body.

Atleast that's what he thought until he had fallen asleep.

Lyra's POV


Water droplets keep on landing on her bullet wound. Surprisingly, that very reason made it heal fast. Until she have finally opened her eyes.

" Hey Lyr, finally alright?"

"Z-zack..?" She scanned her eyes at her surroundings just to find out that she's at the church but a certain chocobo haired guy caught her attention.

"Cloud!" She instantly sits up but jolts from the pain she felt.

"Relax, he's fine. He's just sleeping but you might want to wake him up and surprise him. He thinks you're dead. You've been lying here like a stone for weeks Lyrs"

"Dead? What do you mean Za-?

Then it all came rushing back to her.

"Zack, I-" noticing Zack was already gone. Lyra shook her head before making her way towards Cloud, submerging herself to the water but slipping her foot making a big splash waking Cloud up.

Lyra, emerging from the water , Cloud's eyes grew wide.

" Seriously? I have to be clumsy after I wake up. What bad l-"

"Lyra..." Cloud mumbled almost like a whisper. Lyra looked up to him and smiled shyly.

" Hi Cloud, it's been a while.." Lyra said coyly unable to look straight at Cloud because of the loving and delighted look he was giving her.

" You're alive..." Cloud said standing up from where he was sitting making his way towards Lyra, slowly sinking himself to the water.

Lyra on the other hand backed away for she already remembers everything making her grow shy to the fine man in front of her because of a certain feelings she have for him and remembering the kiss they shared before falling into her deep slumber.

Finally her back met the stone platform she was on a few minutes ago before she slipped. Cloud then reached out his hand to grab her hands before pulling her towards him hugging her tightly but in a gentle manner, caressing her hair. Afraid that any second she might go away, again.

" You're back.. you're alive.. Thank God..." tightening his hug more, Lyra finally wrapped her arms around Cloud's muscular body returning the tight hug he was giving to her.

" I'm back Cloud. Sorry to keep you waiting Spiky." She joked before loosening her grip on Cloud moving away but Cloud pulled her back hugging her tight.

" Don't let go, can't we stay like this a little longer? Please" He murmured and burried his face on the crook of her neck.

Lyra found this gesture endearing so she let him be, returning the hug and kissed his shoulder before turning her face sideways to also give Cloud a kiss on his neck, ear and cheek.

She then noticed Cloud's ear and neck turning red after doing that so she decided to take a peek on his face which Cloud turned away from but she caught his face with her hand and the side of his cheek turning it to face her and putting her forehead against his.

Staring at his mako infused eyes which is also staring back at her before closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck, staying on that position.

Cloud stared at the closed eyed Lyra. Noticing the color of life on her skin and kissed her right eye making Lyra open her eyes and finding Cloud just staring at her with a very happy and an undeniable loving look.

" Don't stare at me.." she said turning Cloud's face away from her.

" I'm sorry, I just can't stop.You came back." Cloud said returning them to their former position that Lyra ruined.

" Well what are you going to do? Now that I'm back" asked Lyra pulling away from Cloud and looking at the sky that the churches rooftop hole provided.

Cloud acted like he was thinking which made Lyra face him.

" Really, nothing? No welcome home or anything spiky. Are you not going to tell anybody?" Crossing Lyra's arm Cloud smiled at her before answering

" I still want to spend more time with you alone, so I guess that could wait." Walking closer until they're arm length apart.

" Cloud.."

" Yeah?"

" I missed you"

Cloud opened his arms wide as if asking for a hug but Lyra did something more.

She rushed towards Cloud's arms before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips.

Cloud stumbled, taken aback by the action before finally relaxing and wrapping his arms around her before returning the kiss.

Showing his love to her through the kiss. She felt the love, the longing, the desperation to spend some time together, and the painful years he had been through without her and she felt the fear, the way he holds her and the way he molds his lips with her was as if he was terrified that any second she might be taken away. His actions were so gentle as if she was a very fragile thing that can break anytime soon.

Pulling apart Lyra saw Cloud's pain, the furrowing of his brows and those sad looking eyes.

" Lyra, never leave my side again. I can't take it anymore if you'd ever leave again." He said hugging her tightly and burrying his face on the crook of her neck.

" I promise, not anymore and Cloud.."

"Hm?" His face was suddenly lifted by Lyra again making him face her.

" I love you too.. since way back then."

Cloud let out a chuckle thinking that she heard him that time he thought she was dead. Then, he stared at her before saying..

" I love you" then kissing her again

" I told you buddy, everything would be okay" Zack said.

" I know, I'm not alone. Not anymore." ~ Cloud

His Mako Infused Eyes (Cloud Strife Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now