Part 2

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Apparently Loz was able to take Marlene from Tifa by cuffing her arms onto one of the church's chairs and taking Marlene and the materias away. Tifa was getting worried right now for it's been days and she was trying to contact Cloud but he wasn't answering. Hearing foot steps she thought ' He's here' but to her dissapointment it was not Strife.

A motorcycle stopped in front of Aerith's Church to deliver the news to Cloud for she was told that she would find him here but Tifa was the only one there.

" Who are you and what do you need?" Tifa questioned.

" Where is Cloud Strife?" Anika answered Tifa with a question while walking around the Church in search of the said man.

" I asked who you are. What do you want with Cloud?"

" I'm not here to play any games now where is Strife?" Anika asked demandingly.

Tifa got defensive because of the way the intruder dressed and the way she speaks to her. Engaging a fight between them..

"Are you here to harm Cloud because if that's what it is then before you get to Cloud, you have to go through me. hayaaaah!.. Ha!.." throwing kicks and punches here and there and the visitor just blocking it easily but never withdrawn her sword from the side of her body until Cloud came and witnessed the black mage girl blocking Tifa's punch by crossing both her arms together like an X and pushing Tifa which made Tifa crash on one of the church's chairs.

"Tifa!" Cloud said with worry while Tifa immediately got up and ran towards the black mage obviously not hearing Cloud giving the mage a kick which sends the mage Flying towards the wall of the church. The wall earning a big dent and cracks while smokes from wall debris are scattered and flying around her. Anika got mad and threw a knife towards Tifa's direction which Tifa dodged by doing a back flip and lunging towards Anika while Anika doing the same.

Fighting in the air and throwing punches and kicks at each other. Anika the mage was able to throw Tifa towards the chairs which Tifa slided on breaking a few of them. Anika didn't stopped there and lunged towards Tifa and threw her towards the flower bed's wall which Tifa there was able to get her posture back, putting her foot on the wall and charging towards Anika grabbing her by the back of her mage cloak adding a little twist to it. Tifa puts her feet on Anika's back too and used that to push Anika to the flower ground front first. Then Tifa drew closer towards Anika and grabing her hood about to lift it up and throw a punch at her while Anika was about to withdraw her knife and plunge it straight at Tifa's stomach until they heard Cloud.

" Tifa stop!! She's with the turks. One who's helping me about geostigma and Sephiroth also about finding Denzel." Cloud said while holding Tifa's wrist.

" Oh I'm sorry about that. First Marlene and now Denzel." Tifa asked worriedly letting go of Anika's hood while Anika on the other hand stood up and immediately hid her face for her mask fell off while fighting. Cloud and Tifa looked at her, trying to get a glimpse of her face but they didn't succeed so Cloud tried to explain everything to Tifa until he was stopped by Anika.

" Finally, a great time to stop us Strife.. the names Anika. Reno sent me here to tell you about the kids that were being kidnapped by Kadaj and his group. We had a witness at Midgar about it" Cloud was frozen in place hearing Anika's voice looking up at her with wide eyes. Though her voice is a little bit different from the person who's already dead but to make sure..

" I'm sorry can you talk again?" Cloud asked looking at the now standing Anika expectantly. Anika just stayed silent looking at him weirdly or rather her eyes looking at Cloud weirdly for she wears a mask.

" Are you Lyr-" Cloud was about to ask until the door of the church busted open.

" Cloud have you heard the news?" Reno interrupted.


"What? You're a real pain Cloud." Reno stated while scratching the back of his head.

" I'm not fit to help anyone or anybody" Cloud said still looking at Anika before looking away. Thinking it was impossible for her to be Lyra for he saw her die with his own eyes.

To be continued..

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