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After a long day of being at the hospital, all Emerson wanted to do was get home, take a nice hot and steamy bubble bath, and go to sleep. She has put up with enough people today, even the rude ones but she kept her composure and didn't let it get to her.

Arriving home she pulled into her four bedroom, two and a half bathroom house she grabbed her bag killing the car engine she got out and locked her car doors.

Walking into her quiet house she sat her keys and purse down on the table in the foyer. She took her coat and shoes off then locked her doors turning on her alarm.

Emerson headed upstairs to her master bedroom. Flopping on her bed she closed her eyes for two minutes before opening them and getting ready for a hot bubble bath.

Standing in the mirror in her bathroom connected to the bedroom she looked at herself. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes were red and low. Emerson sighed and started the water for her bath.

Emerson stripped out of her clothes grabbing a clean towel and wash rag she set it on top of the toilet seat. Standing back in the mirror she tied her hair into a sloppy bun cause couldn't afford to get it wet.

When the water was finally done Emerson added her soap for bubbles then she shut the water off grabbing her wash rag she slowly sat down in the water. Hissing at the feeling she relaxed her body laying back she closed her eyes.

"After a seventeen hour shift this is perfect." Emerson thought as she washed herself up and meeting all her hygiene needs.

After Emerson was out the bathtub she lotion down and put on some pajamas and got ready for bed. Finally getting in the bed she put her phone on the charger next to the night stand and went to sleep.

Felling the bed shift while she slept lightly she knew it was her 'boyfriend' Troy getting in.

Troy wrapped his arms around Emerson pulling her close to him. Emerson got comfortable resting her head on her arm.

"Long day?" Troy questioned pecking Emerson's neck. Emerson shook her head yes.

"I'm so tired baby, like I've been at work since four this morning dealing with rude ass people. Like babe when I tell you it be hard trying to keep my composure I really try because if I didn't I've would've have caught a case..." Emerson rambled on moving her hands while talking.

"Babe calm down aight? I've had a long day too and I'm not telling you everything that happened piece by piece." Troy said locking his hands with hers.

"I know. I'm tired and I know you tired..." Emerson sighed. "I'm just so stressed out."

"Yeah I am tired. Hella tired at that. Did you eat today?" Troy asked resting his head on his hand as he propped his elbow up.

Emerson turned to him. "No I forgot to. But I drank water." Emerson answered honestly.

"That's not healthy Em."

If anything Troy can't be talking about not being healthy. The things he doing ain't nowhere near healthy.

"Yeah I know but I really haven't been having an appetite lately."

"Well you need to start eating again." Troy pulled Emerson leg over his waist.

Emerson didn't respond she just buried her head into his neck falling back to sleep.

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