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"I don't feel like going to work." I groaned putting on my white Nike tennis shoes,

"Then don't go." August told me as I watched him move around the room. Me and him was currently on FaceTime talking about random things.

"Aug, you know I have to go."

"You don't have ta go, you choose ta go." He winked.

"Shut up." I giggled as I stood and grabbed my stuff, so I can get ready to head out.

"I'm seein' you on ya lunch break."

"You asking or you telling?"

"I'm tellin'."

"Whatever." I headed downstairs.

"What you doin' when you off?"

"Coming home, showering, then going to sleep-" I got cut off.

"Hey Emerson!" Vanessa popped her head in the camera.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Girl if you don't move." August literally pushed her out the camera. "My bad baybeh-"

"Why would you do dat?" Vanessa snacked him, causing me to laugh.

August dropped the phone. I heard them hitting each-other and cursing each-other out.

I hung up the phone as I opened the door coming face to face with Troy.


"I have to go to work." I tried pushing past but he grabbed my arm. I looked down at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Boy, if you don't get yo' hands off of me we are going to have a problem." I spat.

Troy let go shoving me a bit. "Emerson just hear me out."

I rolled my eyes. Since he's blocking my way out of here I had no choice but too. "You got 5 minutes."

"Thank you." He smiled.


"I ain't come here for no trouble, I came here to apologize. I'm sorry I put my hands on you I didn't mean too. I think about that shit everyday and wish I never did it. I miss you most importantly I miss us. We haven't talk in two months and it really hurting me deep down, because I love you. I really do." He grabbed me hand.

"Can we give us another try?" He asked.

I had no words I just began laughing. He really thought that would work. I snatched my hand from his him grasping my chest.

"What's so funny?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You wanna know what's funny?" I pursed my lips. "What's funny is you, you really thought I was about to take yo' ass back. Didn't you?" I shoved him back a little so I could walk out side and lock my door.

"You know what? Forget about it." Troy said backing away. "Just know this ain't over, tell your little boyfriend to watch his back."

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