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Emerson Kaye Johnson

Emerson Kaye Johnson

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"Hey granddaddy." Emerson greeted him as she sat down at the island as he whipped up some lunch.

Emerson decided to go to her grandparents house for lunch and instead of eating out. She hadn't had a home cooked meal in a while so the simple homemade things are the best.

"Emerson. What's up? What brings you by?" Richard chuckled as he looked back at then he turned back to the Asparagus on the stove. He was currently make baked salmon, asparagus, and rice with a dash of lemon.

"Oh nothing. Work." Emerson said exhaustedly. "I came over for some real food, I'm so tired of fast food."

"Well I'm making Salmon, asparagus, and rice."

"That's sounds great." Just as Emerson said that her bitter grandmother Wilma had walked into the kitchen leaving the room filled with awkward silence.

Emerson looked everywhere but towards her grandmother while tapping her fingers on the counter. The only thing that could be heard was sizzling food and a utensil constantly tapping inside a pan.

"You know, you two need to talk this out." Richard suggested as he flipped the asparagus.

"I have nothing to say to her." Emerson shrugged her shoulders, picking at her chipped nails, she really need her nails done.

"Emerson." Richard said sternly.

"What? I didn't do anything to her if anything she should be apologizing to me." She pointed to myself.

"That's right." Wilma replied causing Emerson to look at her. Wilma was finally owning up to what she did.

"I'm sorry Emerson, I'm sorry for trying to protect you." Wilma said as Emerson furrowed my eyebrows.

"How are you protecting me by saying bad things about someone, even calling them out their name? How is that protecting me?"

"I was protecting you! Messing with him you will end up just like your mother!" Wilma slammed her hand down on the marble counter.

"How do you know that?" Emerson voice had cracked, as her eyes became blurry from tears that threatened to fall.

"August is a good guy, he will never hurt me like my mother and Robert did. So stop saying that!" Tears were now spewing from Emerson eyes.

"You say that now but when that boy hurt you don't come back her crawling to us." Wilma gritted through her teeth.

"Wilma." Robert tried to stop her from taking this anymore farther than it already did.

"No." Wilma shushed him. "After everything I've done for you and your sister, you turn around and you do things like this?"

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