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"He asked you to move in?" Iverson asked as we sat on her couch drinking a glasses of wine.

"Yes, but I told him its doing to much and if I have to move somewhere it will here. We both know Troy is scared of your ass."

"I know that's right, he better be scared." Iverson took a long sip from her glass.

"So, what you been up to these past couple of days?"

"Oh, nothing. I can't really do anything because I'm on my period." She shrugged.

"Well I know I'm about to get mines if you have yours." I sighed setting my glass down as my phone alerted me that I had an text message.

I dug in my back pocket pulling out my phone. I had several missed calls and text messages from August. I've been avoiding him these past couple of days. I just haven't thought about the idea of moving in with him, but I will speak to him later on tonight because I know he probably mad I've been avoiding him.

"Em, answer that boy. He been blowing ya' phone ever since you got here."

"I am going to answer him when I get back home." I set the phone on the table.

Iverson and I conversed some more before I left out. I had to get home and finish up some paper work, if I didn't start now it wasn't going to get down.

When I got home I showered and put on some pajamas before I went downstairs and started dinner for the night. I was making spaghetti and garlic bread for tonight and tomorrow's lunch for me and Sam.

I started the water and meat before I sat on the couch starting on my paper work. No later than 5 minutes my phone began to ring and I new it was August. I grabbed my phone seeing I was having a incoming FaceTime for him, slightly rolling my eyes I answered.

 I grabbed my phone seeing I was having a incoming FaceTime for him, slightly rolling my eyes I answered

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"Hey-" I couldn't even greet his ass before he cut me off.

"Look hea' Emerson." August said with an attitude. "You ain't gone ignore my calls and messages, then answea' the phone talkin' 'bout some 'hey'. A nigga like me crazy I will have ya ass hunted and brought back ta me."

"August you would never." I giggled.

"Oh, fa'real? Bet. You must not know who the fuck Aug is." He scoffed.

"I was just playing."

"Nu-uh I got some fa dat ass." He said moving around on the bed, I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

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