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I fast forward to Mama Sheila birthday party, it didn't go the way I planned but I guess it's fine.


"I'm going to August house for his moms surprise birthday party." Emerson told Iverson as she put on her silver stud earrings to go with her black dress.

"No, I don't think we are going to be out long. August is  inviting his family from New Orleans."

"August lowkey has a sweet spot, especially when it comes to his mom."

"Stop hitting on my man Iverson." Emerson warned.

"Alright, I will try talk to you later sis."

"I love you too. Bye." Both Emerson and Iverson ended the phone disconnecting the line.

Emerson continued getting herself ready. Once she was done she grabbed her the things and headed out. She headed to August mothers house. 

On the other side of town August and Ms.Sheila was at a restaurant enjoying dessert. They had all ready ate a nice dinner.

"How do you like your birthday so far Mama?"

"I love it, it's nice of you to do this for me." She dabbed the corner of her mouth. "I wish your sister would've came but she had to stay home to clean up her room."

"I know, he a- butt don't even like cleaning up let me text her and check on her." August pulled out his phone so he could text Vanessa.

Did they get there yet? -7:45 p.m.

Nessa👧🏾❤️: yeah they got here around 6:30 and Emerson just got here -7:46 p.m.

Aight we will be there in like 20 mins I'm about to pay the bill so we can leave -7:46 p.m.

Nessa👧🏾❤️: k we will get set up for mama -7:47 p.m.

I will text you when we outside -7:47 p.m

After August was done he put his phone back in his pocket, giving his attention back to his mother.

"Aight Maw you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am just let me use the bathroom before we go." She excused her self from the table and went to the bathroom.

August looked at the bill before pulling out the exact amount and a tip for the waitress. He sat back and relaxed for a couple of minutes before the waitress approached him.

"How did you enjoy your meal tonight sir?" She asked as she grabbed the plates from the table.

"It was aight." August shrugged dusting lint of his pants.

"That's good." She smiled. "I'm Jewel."

"August." August responded dryly he knew what Jewel was trying to do. Yes, Jewel was pretty but she wasn't Emerson. Plus he's not interested in meeting someone knew.

"I know who you are." She winked. " I will be back to collect the bill I just have to take these to the back." She walked away adding a little bit of sway in her hips.

"Alright I'm ready baybeh." Ms.Sheila told August as she approached the table.

"Aight, we just waiting one the girl to come get the bill." August stood up grabbing his coat just as  Jewel approached.

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