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"August please don't act out when we go downstairs." I told him as I put my hair into a braid.

Tonight August was meeting my grand parents for the first time. Grandpa is the nice one. Grandma is the mean picky one, with the snobby attitude.

"Chill out baybeh." August chuckled lowly. "Aug will be fine."

"I don't know about that. You smoked before you got here." I mumbled the last part.

"I smoked around- what time is it?"

"It's 7:45."

"I smoked around 6." He shrugged. "Do I look I high?"

I turned towards him. Indeed he did look high. His eyes were low, glossy and red, and his clothes smelled just like weed.

August peered down at me biting his lip.

"What?" I blushed turning my head.

"Nothing." He replied grabbing my ass slowly lifting me up.

"August come on put me down, they are waiting down stairs."

"I just want ta touch my baybeh." His grip became tighter.



"Put me down."


"August come on, we have to be downstairs."

"Aight." He walked out the room, my grip around him became tighter. "I ain't gon' drop ya'." He chuckled walking towards the steps.

"August please." I sneered.

"Close ya eyes before you know it I will be downstairs." I did as he told me.

"How many more steps?" I was becoming anxious.

"Actually we standin' in front of ya' pops, Iverson and ya' granny." He whispered in my ear.

I dropped my head on his shoulder. "Dammit this why told you to put me down." I pinched the back of his neck.

"Emerson?" My grandfather cleared his throat.

I got off of August. "Hey you guys." I put hair behind my ear. "Uhm, how long have you guys been there?"

"We've seen it all." Iverson whisper in my ear.

I faced palmed myself in my head, this was truly embarrassing.

"Emerson darling, who is that boy behind you." My grandmother asked pointing at him. Before I could answer my grandfather answered for himself.

"Boyfriend?" My grandfather asked looking between me and August, I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You answered dat' correctly." August walked over towards my grandad holding his hand out.

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