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Didn't proof read....


I was balled up in the corner as I was receiving blows from my mothers boyfriend. Robert.

He would constantly beat on me and my sister for no reason. My mother would sit there and let him do things like that to us and not care.

"Stop! Robert!" My sister yelled jumping on his back trying to stop him. But he grabbed her arms and slammed her on the ground.

I began screaming as he started punching Iverson in her face I tried kicking him but he wouldn't budge. Instead he turned around and backhanded me in my face.

I looked at my mother as she sat there and watched him do this to us. She didn't help us fight off the bad man she just watched him hurt us.

He snatched me and my sister up. His breath reeked of alcohol and smelled like pure shit.

"You little fucktards. You messed up my woman's life. I ought'a killed y'alls asses." Robert threatened as his grip became tighter.

I winced in pain. He looked at me then Iverson in pure disgust and hatred before dropping us onto the floor.

Iverson scurried over to me as I reached out to her.

"Go to y'alls room." Robert spat as he plopped down on the couch next to my mom and lifted her shirt sucking on her left

"Come on." Iverson stood up barely able to able me up. When I got Iverson and I walked to our room, which contained nothing but a old mattress and a sheet and a couple of clothes that we had.

"Lay down." Iverson said above a whisper. Her nose was know spewing of blood.

"Ivy. your nose is bleeding." I got up and crawled to the door.

"Emerson! No!" Iverson ran over to me as I was about to open the door. "Robert is going to hit you again."

"I will be fast the bathroom is across the hall Ivy." I opened the door and there Robert stood.

I stared up at him scared out of my mind. He walked towards me as started screaming when he finally got a hold of me I being crying.

"I'm sorry!"

-Flashback over-


I woke up to Emerson screaming in her sleep. I looked at my phone it was about to be 3 in the morning.

"Emerson calmed down. I got you its Aug." I held her as she screamed and her body shook.

" I'm sorry!" She scream-cried trying to break free from me.

"Emerson!" I yelled shaking her. She stirred in her sleep a little bit before popping her eyes open.

She loooked at me before crying. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I got you." I wrapped my arms around her as she held on for dear life shakin'.

She laid her head against my chest and began to cry softly. I didn't want ta push the subject so I wasn't gone bring up right na' I will talk to her about it later on when we wake up.

"You ready ta talk na'?" I gave Emerson her raspberry tea she had asked for. It was 3 in the afternoon and Emerson told me we will talk later and now it's later.

She sipped her tea slowly as she looked at. I could tell in her eyes she didn't want to really tell me but she said she would.

"You aight?" I asked, while takin' her hand into mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just a little hard for me to tell this with out crying." She chuckled lowly darting her eyes around the room never looking at me.

"I'm ready when you are."

"Okay. When me and my sister were staying with our mother in a shitty apartment complex we were exposed to somethings that a mother was supposed to protect her children from. Iverson had to grow up at the age of 11 because I was 6 and my mom was barely at home. There were nights when we weren't able to eat, have lights, or have water in the house. Sometimes it would be all of those things." Emerson sighed hard as her eyes filled with tears. "When my mom would come home she would bring her boyfriend. Robert." Her voiced cracked. "And um, when Robert would come over he would--would hit me and Iverson because we ruined my moms life. He would threaten to kills us and everything and mom would just sit there and watch." Emerson had tears running down her face.

I was now angry, my skin boiling and I was shaking with anger. At this point I wanted to find ha mother and fuck ha' up. What kind of mother expose their children ta shit like that?

"I would sometimes look at my mom while Robert would beat us and in her eyes she had no remorse." Emerson wiped her tears. "Anyways, when Robert would usually get done beating us he would have sex with my mom and sometimes he would force us to watch. Iverson sometimes would beg him too let me go in our room. Sometimes he would say yes and sometimes he would smack her."--"my grandparents found out about the beatings, and our poor-living they took us in and raised us. I was finally getting meat on my bones, going to a good school, having water to wash my body, and food on the table every night." Emerson smiled. "I was happy you can say. But then I would start having dreams about the beatings. I would wake up screaming or have trouble breathing. But Iverson was there to comfort me. I feel like I owe my sister so much for everything." She said above a whisper. "When Troy hit me it brought me back to those days and I was just so angry and hurt that he had did that."

I got up and walked ova' ta her, I know she needed  a hug or some sort of comfort. I didn't like seein' Emerson hurt like this. She plasters a smile on ha' face to cover up the truth and I ain't gone lie I do the smile exact thing.

"Everything gon' be aight baybeh...you gone get the justice and closure you need one-day but not ta'day." I kiss her forehead.

"Don't feel bad for me. I didn't tell you this so you could feel pity for me okay? It happened a long time ago-"

"Doesn't matter if that happened along time ago Emerson. Your still hurt just like I am. You might forgive but you won't forget."

Emerson face became even softer as she hugged me even tighter. My mind darted back to when I was younger.

"When I was growin' up all the men my momma dated did crack. My father died from doin' crack. When he died half of me died with him. I was ruthless. I didn't care. I did shit and didn't feel remorse." I chuckled lightly. "I called that side of me 'Yung'. But dat ain't me no mo'. After my brutha' died I changed. For the better, my mom told me she already lost one and she not trying to lose two. Even though she pissed me off I changed for her, my sister, my brutha' and myself." I smiled to my self. "I turned ova' a whole new leaf. I got off the streets and found be a job. Savin' up my money I bought myself a apartment and from thea' I found my way hea'."

Emerson looked up at me. "We gon' get through this together. I promise you." She rested her head back on my shoulder.

In due time...

Y'all I got lazy towards the end of this chapter.

I didn't proof read either :/

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, Kay❤️

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