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Partially proof read!

"I jus' need ta know when will I be able to sign the lease?" August stressed. He been on the phone for a full 30 minutes trying to get the documents so he could sign the lease for the his new studio.

"I don't think I can wait any longer Marc, I'm just trying get this shit done. You heard me? Its been 2 days and I made my mind up, I want to buy the studio."

"Fine you got 2 hours, be hea' on time." August told Marcus not even allowing him to finish saying good bye.

Sitting down August ran his hands through his hair. He had a lot of things on his mind. From buying a new studio, to his brothers death, and his birthday he just couldn't focus on anything he wanted to. It was really making him upset. He haven't talked to Emerson in two almost three days. Every time he would call there would be no answer.

Sighing August grabbed his keys and and left his house to go see Emerson at work.

Arriving at the hospital August made sure to get a water from the gift shop just in case Emerson had forgotten to eat or drink. Once he was at the door of her office he knocked a couple of times and moments later the door opened to see a drowsy Emerson.

Sitting her down August gave her some water. She thanked him as she opened the bottle, she drank every last drop she could.

"You look exhausted," said August.

With a light chuckle Emerson looked at August with her low eyes. "I'm very exhausted, I worked 48 hours. It's nothing." She assured him resting her head in the palm of her hand.

"You need to go home and get some rest love."

"I still have about 15 minutes. I was using this time  as my break so I could get some sleep before I headed home."

"Did you eat anything?"

"I nibbled on crackers and drank some water here and there but other that no. I'm fine I'm just tired these 15 minute naps really aren't helping but it'll do."

"Come on." August got up and grabbed Emerson hand.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you home, get your stuff together." August told her as he stood up.

"What about my car?"

"I will send T to come and get it." August grabbed her things and handed them to Emerson.

"Okay." Emerson yawned grabbing her bag and her jacket.

The two walked to the nearest elevator and got on. On the way down Emerson head rested against the wall as she tried to refrain her self from falling asleep.

August stood behind her holding her close as the elevator stopped and more people got on. After 2 minutes everyone got off. August led her to the car. Being a gentleman he opened the door for her and made sure she was buckled in before shutting the door before jogging to the other side of the car and getting in.

"Thank you." Emerson mumbled closing her eyes so that she could go to sleep.

"No problem." He told her as he left out the parking garage and onto the street. August turned on the radio as he got onto the freeway. He wasn't going to Emerson's house he was going to his.

The soft music and the soft purr of the car engulfed Emerson as exhaustion took over her body. August called T to go pick up Emerson's car for him and take it to her house. In 25 minutes August arrived at his house. He ended up carrying Emerson inside, since he didn't want to wake her up.

After getting situated he checked his watch to see he had a good 45 minutes before Marcus would be there.he decided to start on dinner which was nothing other than a home cooked meal of jambalaya.


"Emerson." August nudged her but she didn't wake up, so he nudged her again. "Emerson."

"Hm?" Emerson asked not bothering to open her eyes.

"Get up, you been sleep since 3. I also brought you some food." He went over to the dresser and a picked up a tray.

Emerson sat up in on the bed wiping the sleep out of her eye. The spicy smell of food filled her nose as her mouth began to water. August set the tray onto her lap and got in the bed right beside her.

"It smell good, and it looks amazing." Emerson peered down at the food she was grateful for.

"It taste amazing too." August grabbed the spoon and scooped up some of the food. "Open."

Emerson opened her mouth allowing August to feed her. She could've feed herself but why not let a fine man feed you?

"Mmm..." she hummed chewing the food as her eyes closed. "This is really good, and it's spicy too."

"I made it myself, get you a man that can cook." August winked causing Emerson to giggle.

"Yes whatever." She continued to eat. "I don't have work for the next couple days, I am so happy."

"Great. We can swing by my new studio."

"You got it!" Emerson eyes lit up and he shook his head. "I'm so happy for you." She smiled shoving another spoonful into her mouth.

"I wanted to know do you want to help design-" August didn't even get to finish his sentence before Emerson said yes and food came flying out her mouth.

"I'm so sorry I'm just so happy." She smiled once again before setting the bowl on the dresser and getting out of bed. "I'a be back I have to use the bathroom."

"Damn, so much excitement I made you pee." He laughed showing his pearly whites and shaking his head.

"Shut up." She waved him off, and going into the bathroom. Once she once done doing her business she went back into the bedroom and got back into the bed with August.

"Aug, tomorrow can you take me home to freshen up?"

"Yeah I will, but we gone have to leave early so we can go to the store and look around."

"Okay. I will think of something." She laid back and grabbed he remote turning on the tv. "What do you want to watch?"

"It don't matter." August shrugged cutting off the lights then getting back into the bed. "Turn on the sports channel."

"I am not about to watch sports." Emerson scrunched her face up looking at him. "We can just watch BET. Ooooo and I Can Do Bad All By Myself is on."

How y'all feel about the redo of this?
I know it's bad but I guess you guys actually like this story, I'm bound to delete it.
Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it ❤️
Thanks for reading,Kay


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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