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I pulled up to the location. I really wasn't feeling this meeting, all honesty I was tired and I just wanted to go home and crawl in the bed so I could sleep.

I got out the car and walked inside, it was semi packed and I didn't like that, things are always bound to happen in croweded places like this.

I waited a little bit and I guess I dosed off cause the lady had to call me several times.

"Miss? Miss? Miss!" She called for me quietly.

"Hm?" I stood up straight fixing my hair.

"Table for one or are you meeting someone hear?"

"I'm actually having a meeting here."

"Um, are you Johnson?" She read off the list and I nodded. "Follow me to your table." She grabbed a menu and started walking to the table and I followed closely behind.

When I got to the table I was greeted with everyone I knew on the floor I work on. I plastered a smile on my face greeting them back. I sat down next to Sami, of course.

"Girl you look done." Sami said loud enough for only me to hear.

"I know I'm tired, I just haven't been sleeping lately."

"Ooo, is it August keeping you awake at night?" She winked nudging me a bit causing me to chuckle.

"No, Me and August are close but we are not that close." I mean yes, August still touch me sexually but, that's the way he plays with me and I have no problem with that. August and I are not having sex anytime soon trust and believe me.

"Mhm, but if you don't hop up on him best believe I will." She slowly drank her water.

"I know you would, we've been friends for like 4 years now." I chuckled ordering myself something to keep me awake for the time being.

"Wow, Emerson is ordering tequila!" Sami said sarcastically.

"I just need something to drink for now."

"But, tequila? That's a strong ass drink and you are a light drinker, shit you barely drink."

"I know what I'm doing." A flipped my hair to the side resting my head on my hand, playing with the small decorations that held the silverware together.

Moments later my drink was brought out to me and everyone's head turned towards me. I rubbed them off taking a sip of my drink and sure as hell that shit burnt that back of my throat but I didn't show it in my face.

"Someone's had a bad night." I overheard someone say.

I took another sip after another and before I knew it, it was gone. I wanted another one, but I didn't order me another. I needed a drink or two but I'm not trying to leave out of here drunk, having a bad reputation is not on my agenda.

"What is the meeting for exactly?" I asked no one particular.

"We are discussing patient experience, health outcomes and time spent on specific tasks, make the practice a more enjoyable place to work and has ultimately helped us recruit and retain staff." Harold informed me as he put a piece of stake in his mouth.

If I knew we were going to be discussing stuff like that I could've stayed home and went to sleep. I thought I was getting a raise, that's really why I came.

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