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This is a filler chapter! Didn't proof read!
Emerson- One Week Later

Emerson slowly opened her eyes feeling around the bed for August. A frown slowly formed on her face when she realized he wasn't in the bed with her. She sat up rubbing the sleep form her eyes. Looking around the room she spotted a card with a tray of food on a table. A smiled formed across her faces as she picked up the card.

'Good morning baby, sorry you didn't get to wake up to me in the bed today. I had to leave early to go look at the places for the studio. I made you breakfast, I slaved over a hot ass stove for you, literally. You know my ass barely cook over your house. Also I really want you to have a good day at work today, you took a whole week off to get yourself together. Don't let anything stop you. You heard me?

Emerson chuckled setting the note down next to the covered plate of food. She opened the tray revealing a plate full of food. It had toast, eggs, bacon, and sausage. On the side of the plate it was a small bowl of fresh fruit salad and orange juice. Smiling Emerson said a quick prayer before she began too eat.

Once she was done Emerson got in the shower, when she was done she dos her hygiene needs before slipping into here burgundy scrubs and white tennis shoes. Emerson decided just to wear her hair any kind of way, not really feeling energy to sit down and do it.

Moments later Emerson was ready to go. After grabbing all the essentials she would need for the day she headed downstairs and out door, making sure to lock it before she got in the car. She got situated before she left out the driveway and headed to her destination.


August was currently on the phone while on his way to another location to look at for his studio, the first one he didn't like at all, it was just too much stuff going on at once in that area and it wouldn't look good to be out there in that kind of scenery.

"Yeah make sure they get there at 12 on the dot, and on the card I jus' want it ta say these are for you my love —A."

"Aight, thank you." August sighed tossing his phone into the passenger seat.

This morning August received some unpleasant news about  one the studios he would be seeing. It turns out yesterday somebody brought it and the company didn't inform August or Marcus about it. So now August only has two options and if he doesn't decides he will just have to work from home.

Sighing August turned down the street as did Marcus. August was following him to the place instead driving with him.

Moment later August and Marcus pulled up to their destination. August got out the car and made his way over to Marcus as he was on the phone with someone. Ignoring that August went inside the building to find it completely empty nothing but his presence was in there.

He walked around the room outing his ideas to work. He noticed a little opening to the back so he decided to go check it out. He pushed through a set of doors revealing a room full of old studio equipment and a booth.

By looking at all the dust that piled up on top of everything you could tell everything in there's hasn't been touched for months maybe even years.

He imagined everything going so well in his head, he even cracked a smile as he looked over to the sound booth. His thoughts were quickly interrupted when his phone rang loudly. He fished in his pockets to get his phone, once he retrieved it he looked at the screen and it was Emerson.

August cleared his throat to answer.


"Hey August, I was just calling to tell you thank you for the breakfast and the card it really made my day."

"No problem Baybeh, I knew you were going through a lot lately so I decided you need ta hear words of wisdom."

"August shut up!" Emerson busted into a fit of giggles.

"Im dead ass."

"What is so wise about you Mr. Alsina?"

"You really wanna know?"

"Mhm." Emerson hummed shaking her head.

"Dis' d-"

"Goodbye August." Emerson stopped him before he could go any further.

"Aight I'a see you later."


"Bye." They both said in unison as they both disconnected the call.

August dusted the chair of and sat down. He really had time to think about his dreams and put his ideas together. He couldn't believe everything was coming into place.

For the rest of the afternoon August and Marcus discussed something before leaving to go home.


"I hold you doooowwwwnnn!" (I'm the one gon' hold you down, I'm the one gon' hold you down) I'm on my waaay
(I'm the one be rolling up in that Bentley truck, Some rollin' up) Want you like right nooooow! (You the one that got all I need, give me all of you or all of me) I'm on my waaaay!
(I'm the one that's gon' hold you down, I'm the one gon' hold you down.)"

Emerson sung loudly as she was making dinner for her and August, although she was tired she still managed to get up and cook dinner. She didn't even hear August walk in the house into the kitchen. He just stood the listening to her before joint in to sing his verse.

"Live an expensive life and I'm just getting started
I get instant hype cause you forever my lady Forever my baby (real life) Hold you down, hold you down, Girl you helped me up when I was down In and out, girl Hold you down like I'm supposed to Real nigga, I know you, real nigga, I know you (another one)"

Emerson stope singing midway because something was off, it sounded like August was right there singing to her. Setting the fork down Emerson turned around to only be met with August lips. Making her weak in her knees she wrapped her arms around August neck.

August parted her lips slowly sliding his thick tongue into her mouth. Surprising Emerson sucked on it making sure she could taste all of him, that turned into a tongue wrestle before Emerson had to tap out and continue making dinner.

August wrapped his arms around Emerson torso wresting his head in the crook of her neck.

"I luh' me a women dat' can cook." He whispered a sending chills down her back.

"I love me a man who speaks with wisdom." Emerson giggled planting a kiss on his cheek.


Excuse mistakes!
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, Kay💛

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