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Emerson was in August room checking his vitals and changing his medicine. She stood next to him and took down the empty saline to replace it with a new one. When she was done she looked down at August and swore she seen his right eye twitch. But it must be her mind playing with her.

She fixed his cover and laid his arm on he side of him.

"Ow!" August yelled but it was muffled because he had the tube down his throat.

Emerson panicked as August started choking. She pressed the nurse button and tried to calm down August but August began to panic when he couldn't breathe.

Nurses came in let from right trying to get August to calm down but he wouldn't and he started choking on the tube.

When the doctor finally came in Agustin followed his instruction and started to calm down so they can slowly slide to the tube out of his throat.

Emerson called Ms.Sheila and told her everything that had happened a couple hours ago.

They place August in a room three floors above where Emerson was working. August is in pain medication and a steroid (Prednisone) to help with his breathing and to clear his lungs of any fluids. August has visitors coming in left and right to visit him.

 August has visitors coming in left and right to visit him

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"Welcome back man." August bodyguard T told him.

"Thanks man. Shit I must've been out fa along ass time."

"Yeah three whole days man." T mushed August head. "You scared everyone including ya momma and lil sister man. Shit I don't what I was gone do without you myself. We thankful this beautiful young lady right here who took good care of you when you were out." T pointed towards Emerson as she was preparing August things so he could shower and do whatever else he needed to do.

"Damn. You sho' dats my nurse?" August whispered tucking his bottom lip under his front teeth.

"Aug, man." T laughed as he stood up. "I'm about to guard this door from yo crazy ass fans."

"Aight. thanks fa comin' ta see me man." August dapped T up and watched him walk out the room.

Emerson waiting patiently as August talk to the man next to him. When he finally left Emerson walked towards the bed.

"Welcome back again, here's your things for you to shower and do whatever else and I also notified your mom and sibling that your awake now." She sat his things down on the end of his bed. "If you need anything press this button right here." Emerson pointed to the button on the bed.

"Thank you uh..." August let out a faint smile.

"Emerson and No problem August." Emerson could melt hearing August rough voice. She gathered all the things she needed.

"Thank you Emerson." August smiled.

Emerson loved the way her named rolled of his tongue. It was truly music to her ears.
Emerson bumped into Nicki Minaj as she made her way out his room looking down at August paperwork. "I'm sorry." When she looked up and saw Nicki she froze.

"It's fine love, also thank you for helping August. T just told me." Nicki told her flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

Emerson gathered herself before thanked her as she made her way to the lab, then back to her office waiting to be called to do something else for her time being.
"Hey aug!" Nicki exclaimed walking towards August.

"Wazzam baybeh." August made space for Nicki to sit down next to him.

"In great now that you are awake now." Nicki hugged him. "Don't ever do that again you scared the fuck outta everyone." Nicki hit him and made a pout face.

August rubbed his arm. "Damn. I ain't mean ta do. Plus that didn't even hurt." August lied through his teeth deep down inside he screaming like a little girl.

"I'll make it hurt." Nicki balled up her gust again.

"Naw I'm straight." August chuckled. "Whea' you comin' from?"

"I coming from Wayne's house. He had a little get together yesterday so I decided to go."

"Oh, y'all couldn't wait on a nigga to wake up?"

"Aug, it was last minute I didn't even know I was going." Nicki flipped he hair to the side. "We are glad your awake now though babe. Now let's take a picture." Nicki fished in her purse for her phone.

"A nigga looking rough and shit and y'all wanna take a picture." August smoothed his hair.

"Oh boy shut up. You luck fine but yo' breath smell like dog shit." Nicki giggled pinching her nose.

"Well I was about to get up get freshened up but you came in here."

"Oh come on and take a picture so I can leav and can do what ever you need to." Nicki held the phone up and found an angle and took the picture.

" Nicki held the phone up and found an angle and took the picture

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"See how hard was that?" Nicki cooed at August.

"Man stop wit allat. Now give me hug so I can get up and brush my teeth and wash my body." August sat up. Nicki and August hugged eachother and exchanged goodbyes before Nicki left out.

"Girl yes!" Emerson yelled into the phone. She was telling her sister how she met Nicki Minaj and August woke up.

"I'm about to become a nurse." Iverson said while laying down with Greg her first boyfriend.

"Yeah I would like to see that happen.." Emerson said propping her feet up in her desk.

"You don't believe me girl watch I'm fin to be head nurse or some shit."

"So your about to go to school for two years for training and plus three or more years to get your-" Iverson cut Emerson off.

"Damn! That's along as time of being in school shit I will past on that one sis." Iverson said as Greg began kissing on her neck. Greg hands trailed down Iverson stomach and it stop at her 'sweet spot'. "Uh, Em I gone have to call you back." Iverson said and didn't even let Emerson say bye.

"Annoying ass." Emerson mumbled placing her phone in her drawer locking it then walking out to resume her day.


Something quick.


Thanks for reading! Kay❤️

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