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Something quick for you guys.


"I promise maw I'm fine I got dis hea' fine nurse helpin' me out." I said referring to Emerson.

"I know baby, I just want you to comfort. You sure you don't want Vanessa or me to stay with you?" My maw rubbed my cheek.

"Maw, I'm fine now gone on so you can go home. You been hea' since yestaday."

"Okay baby, Vanessa come tell your brother bye." My maw said and Vanessa crept up between us.

"Bye Aug." my sister hugged me. "I luh' you."

"I luh' you too, Nessa." I kissed my sister cheek and exchanged good byes with my mother before they left out.

I could finally get some rest cause a nigga been tired and ain't sleep good fa a minute na. Just as I closed my eyes the door opened to my room.

"Damn a nigga can't get no sleep around hea'." I turned over to see Emerson standing there with my medicine in her hand.

"I'm sorry. I can come back later. " Emerson said turning around about to walk out the door but I stopped her.

"Na you aight ma I thought you was one of them other nurses." I sat up. "Emerson right?"

"Y-yeah." She dropped the pills in my hands and handed me my water.

"Why I got ta take dis shit?" I asked.

"So you won't get really sick, do you want to be sick August?" Emerson logged on to the computer.

"Shit, Yeah if you gone be my only nurse." I smiled as I admired her perfect round ass.

Emerson giggled as she took my blood pressure. That shit felt tighter every time one of these nurses took it.

"Well your doing good August. You might be able to go home tomorrow or on Friday." Emerson logged out the computer. "Do you need anything?"

"Shit I want you." I thought in my head. "Can you just tell T ta come in hea?"

"Will do. I will see you in a couple of hours." Emerson left out.

Moments later T walked in. "Wassup Aug."

"Nun much but I'm goin' ta need a fava' from you."

"I'm all ears." T sat down.

"Aight so you know my nurse? Emerson?" I asked and T nodded.

"I want ta get her something fa taking care of me. Can you go to the flowa' shop and get her some roses and buy ha some good chocolate not dat cheap shit dat taste like  plastic."

"Aight anything else?"

"Get me a blunt."

"Nigga you can't smoke in here-" I cut T off.

"Nigga I'm going outside ta smoke they can't do shit about it. I'm August I do what fuck I please." I turned my head shooing T away.

"Nigga you a trip." T said laughing on the way out.

I turned my head and watched the sports channel until I fell asleep.


I left out Mr.Jones room and headed to my office. I was starting to feel down. I don't know why but I was. I dropped my head and walked through my door closing it behind me. I stopped walking when I see roses and chocolate laid out in my desk.

I smiled and picked the roses up hoping they were from Troy but surprisingly they wasn't. They were from August. And the small card read:

Thanks for taking care of me while I was out I appreciate it. -August

Smiling I sniffed the roses and they smelled wonderful I made a note to thank him later but since I'm on my lunch break I might as well do it now.

I walked to the elevator and headed up to the third floor. When I got to his room August and T were gone.

"Where the hell?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I walked out went to the front desk on that floor to see if they had seen them. They didn't.

I shrugged my shoulders and just made my way back downstairs so I can get me something to eat.

Walking outside I notice Troy car and his license plate I furrowed my eyebrows as looked through my purse for my phone. After I got my phone I dialed Troy's number.

On the third ring he answered or so I thought.

"Hello?" A female voice answered.



Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, Kay

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