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I don't why I always start of with Emerson POV next chapter I will start off with August- Kay😚


It was 7:00 at night and I was still at work. I thought I would be out by now but I wasn't. I wanted to go with August to dinner but I'm not sure if that'll be possible tonight.

I pulled my phone out my pocket so that I could text August.

Me: AuggyPooh where are you😔 -7:03 p.m.

BigDaddyAug❤️: I'm comin up the stairs  right now getcho' stuff together so we can leave -7:04 p.m.

Me: ok -7:04 p.m.

I gathered my things together. I logged out my computer and started locking everything up. There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I yelled to whomever it was on the other side of the door.

"Wazzam baybeh?" August walked in shutting the door behind him. He walked over and kissed my forehead.

"Hey August." I inhaled his scent which smelled like weed and axe cologne. I grabbed my jacket from behind my chair.

"You ready?" August asked and I shook my head. We walked out my office and T was standing by the door.

"Hey T." Me and T did our little hand shake we both came up with last week.

"Hey, Emerson how are you?"

"I'm good. How about you."

"I'm straight."

"That's good." I turned and began walking with August.

We end up taking the back way out the hospital because that's were August had parked his car. Plus I didn't even have no way to leave from work because August dropped me off this morning before he went back to his house.

Arriving at my house I got out the car and August followed me. I came home so that I could shower and put on something different clothes.

"What should I put on?" I asked August while walking upstairs towards my room.

"Anything you want ta wear baybeh." August looked at me while biting his lip.

"Stop looking at me like that." I started to get hot.

"Why? You looking hella' fine right na'?"

"August I'm wearing hospital scrubs and tennis shoes."

"Yeah I know, but them scrubs huggin' dat ass perfectly." He said smacking my butt. I turned around and cut my eyes at him.

"Get out so I can shower and get dressed."

"Aight you got 30 minutes." Aug told me before walking out my room completely.

I walked in the bathroom and started the shower. While the water heated up I wrapped my hair and put a waterproof bonnet over it, before stripping completely out of my clothes.

When I stepped in the shower the hot water hit my body making me cringe at the tingly feeling. I set the water to my liking before let the water take over my body.

After awhile I washed my body down before getting out. I now stood in my closet trying to figure out what the hell I was going to wear to dinner tonight. I looked in my body mirror at different outfits. I finally found the perfect one for dinner to night.

I returned to my room and lotion down, before putting on my bra and underwear then input my dress on and slipped into a pair of lace up heels.

I did very little makeup, which consists of a little mascara, lipgloss, and eyeshadow.
I sat at my vanity and did my hair. I did a middle part and sleeked my hair to the back for a ponytail.

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