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Before we begin, here's the incredible cast of Grey's Anatomy!  Pictures in photo above
Or at least the two main characters. The rest of the cast is listed on Google and IMDb.com

Just a heads up, I don't own any characters besides Olivia Sloan and Alexandra Grey (characters to come later)

Meredith's POV

I pull up to the hospital and think about everything that happened this morning.  I get out of my SUV, and help the kids out.  Since Derek died, it's been tough getting up and continuing with life.  Maggie and his sister, Amelia have helped, but sometimes, I think they just want a life of their own.  They don't want to deal with the sister who has three kids, and is as dark and twisty as one can get.  At least Amelia has Owen.  She better not hurt Owen, because Cristina told me to take care of him, which I'm trying to do, but I want him to have a life. 

"Mom?"  Zola asks.
"Yes honey?" 
"I miss Daddy.  Is he coming back soon?"  Zola asks.  Just as she asks that, Maggie and Amelia walk into the room.  They quickly glance at each other, and look back to me.
"Sweetie, Daddy isn't coming home.  He got badly hurt and he's in a better place now."  I tell my oldest daughter.
"But didn't he talk to you at the hospital yesterday?"  Zola asks.
I stare at Zola, her face plain and simple, the way it should be for a child of five years old.
"Honey, that was a doctor who I work with." I tell her.
"But he made you laugh and you was happy, Mom."  Zola says.
"Yes, but he isn't your father." 
"Yet.  He isn't my father yet.  I like him.  What's his name?"  Zola asks.
I look to Maggie and Amelia, but Maggie was gone.  Amelia looks at me, and shrugs.
"Hold on, sweetie.  Momma will be right back." I say, standing up and going to find Maggie.

I find her in the attic, staring at the insulation.
"Maggie, why did you leave?" 
"Are you talking about Nathan Riggs?"  she says sharply.
"Yes, but-" I start.
"But you know that I really like him, and he gave me bacon!"  Maggie says, whipping her head around.
"You like Nathan?  But he's off limits to everyone, since Owen hates him."  I say.
"And yet, ZOLA goes and talks about him like the two of you are gonna get married!"  Maggie screams at me.
I just stare at my half sister in total and complete shock.  I cannot believe that she just said that!  Yeah, I really like Nathan, and he's a great guy and he's amazing. 

I see a figure walking towards us.
    "Hi Dr Grey.  Hi Zola, Bailey and Ellis."  Nathan says to my kids.
    "Hi Mr Nathan!"  Zola says with a bright smile on her face.  Nathan smiles and walks up to me. 
    "Can I help you ladies, and boy?"  Nathan asks.
We laugh and I point to Ellis in her baby carrier. 
    "So, are we going to talk about what happened?"  Nathan asks.
    "Wait, what are you talking about?"  I ask, suddenly worried.
    "Maggie texted me this morning saying that she wanted to talk.  Did something happen this morning that I don't know about?"  Nathan asks.
I look forward and making sure that Zola and Bailey don't run into a car's path.
    "Yeah.  I'll tell you once we drop the kids off at daycare."  I tell him.
We drop them off and I go to the attendings lounge to change.
    "So what happened?"  Nathan asks.
    "So Zola asked when we were going to see you again."  I start.
    "There's a problem with that?"  he asks.
    "Yeah, apparently for Maggie.  I mean, considering Zola called you Daddy."  I say, bending over to tie my shoelaces.
    "She called me daddy?"  Nathan asks.
    "Yeah.  Derek died almost a year ago now, and you look a little like him.  You've got a more defined jaw than Derek."  I point out.
    "Thanks?  Anyway, It's fine that Zola called me dad.  I know Derek only passed a few months ago, but I really like you Meredith.  And I'll wait for as long as you need, but you light up my days.  No kidding, the highlight of my days is seeing you.  You make me happy, Meredith.  But take your time.  I'll be here."  Nathan says. 
    I stare into his beautiful eyes, and next thing I know, we're pressed up against the wall, out lips moving in rhythm. 
    I break away quickly to close the blinds and lock the door.  We kiss, which inevitably leads to more.

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