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Hey y'all! Please excuse any spelling mistakes, and I hope you like the update!

Meredith's POV

Derek is being an obsessive jerk and trying to get me back, even though he knows that I married Nathan. When I saw Derek die, that was the end. Sure, we had something great going for a long time, but for a few months before his "death" we started to fight more and more, about him going to DC, then I forced him to go because I was so sick and tired of this fighting. I did of course spend time to mourn his death, or rather, "death", but at some point I had to move on. It wasn't healthy to stay stuck in one little world, pretending he was find, and "forgot" his keys and would come back waltzing into the house. Yeah, it was a nice dream, but it was never going ot happen.

Until it did. At the totally wrong time.

"Hey babe. We should probably talk about what happened with Derek and that whole thing last night." Nathan says.
"I'd rather not, but i swear, I didn't intentionally do anything to provoke this. I swear." I say, my voice shaking a bit. Last night, Valentine's Day evening, with Derek attacking me and having to call security, it was not fun and it basically destroyed the entire evening that Nathan had planned. Except for the cuddling and watching movies. That really helped make me feel better.
"It's okay honey. I believe you. You were really rattled. Besides me and Alex, is there anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this?" Nathan asks.

I stay quiet for a minute, because I'm thinking of Dr Wyatt and how much she helped when Derek was with Addison years ago, and then how therapy helped when Derek was with Rose for a bit. Ugh, I was not a fan of Rose. But that's a story for another day.

"There is one woman, Dr Wyatt. She works here. Or at least she did back years ago when Derek was with Addison and then with Rose. Neither of those times I would like to revisit, but I'll go back to Dr Wyatt. Maybe it can help." I say quietly.
"Okay, there we go. Would you like me to come with you, or do you want to go alone?" Nathan asks.

He's so much more supportive than Derek was, which is crazy because somehow Derek was that Great Love Story you hear so much about.

"I think alone for now, at least until I get Dr Wyatt caught up with everything that has happened. I say.
"Alright, let me know whenever you want me to go with you." Nathan says. We haven't left the house yet, so he finishes making the kids breakfasts and lunches while I go upstairs to call Dr Wyatt and make an appointment.

"Hi, is Dr Katherine Wyatt there?" I ask into the phone.
"Dr Wyatt speaking." the familiar voice says.
"It's Dr Meredith Grey. Can I come in today? Something traumatic happened. I need someone to talk to, and you know my history better than anyone else." I say.
"Of course, Meredith. I have a few open slots today, one at 9am, 11am, 1pm, and 3pm. Which works best for you?" She asks.
"Well, I have a feeling this is going to take a while. Do you have anyone after your 3pm?" I ask.
"No, I do have a meeting at 4pm, but I can bump my 1pm today." Dr Wyatt says.
"Thank you. I'll see you at 2pm then." I say.
"Meredith?" Dr Wyatt asks.
"Thanks for opening up and calling me. This really shows how far you've come over the years." Dr Wyatt says.
"See you at 2pm." I say and hang up.

Going to therapy is something that takes commitment, and that is something that is hard to do, especially when you have four kids, because it's hard having one kid, but four? It's a mad house around here, and I honestly wouldn't know what to do if they were younger, but Zola and Bailey are getting older, and able to help more around the house and with Lexie.

We finish getting all the kids ready, and we pile them into the car and we drop them off at school and bring Lexie and Ellis to the day care.  

"So therapy today?"  Nathan asks as we change into scrubs.
"Yeah, it's been a while since I've gone.  But I trust Dr Wyatt."  I say.  
"That's good." Nathan says.  

I can sense that he wants to say something else, but my pager goes off.  

"I'll see you later."  I say and walk quickly down the hall.  

"What's up?"  I say to Cristina as she pulls me into a room.  
"What exactly are Owen and Amelia?"  she asks. 
"At this point, I have no idea.  By the way, did Olivia leave?  Mark's little sister?"  I ask.  
"I don't know.  Maybe.  I can text her if you'd like." Cristina says.
"Okay. I want to talk with you and her for a bit." I say. "Oh and before 2pm preferably. I have an appointment."
"Oh okay?  I'll try to see if she can meet us for lunch at 12h30." Cristina says.
"Okay. Sounds good!"

Lunch time
"Hey Meredith!  How's Lexie and Ellis?" Olivia asks standing up and giving me a right hug when I get to the restaurant for lunch.
"They're good, that's in the day care every day.  If you want, I can tell them you're allowed to see them?" I offer.
"Really?  That would be great!" She says.
"What am I, chopped liver?" Cristina says taking a sip of water.
"No, you can too!  You've always been able to see the kids. Do you really think I would kee o their fun auntie Cristina away from them?" I say.

We order food, Olivia getting a salad and me and Cristina getting some sort of pasta dish.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Olivia asks.
"So I have a therapy appointment today with Dr Wyatt to talk about an attack from last night. Derek attacked me in the attending lounge. It was awful. We were married for so long and had such a great relationship for such a long time, that it was so shocking that he could actually do that. He made me feel so scared and I never want to feel that way again. So I'm meeting with Dr Wyatt to t run and see what she can do to help me through this issue and make me feel comfortable being alone in the attending lounge again." I say.
"Oh gosh, that sounds awful!  I'm so sorry that that happened.  Is there anything we can do to help?" Olivia asks.
"I mean, not directly, but being there to talk when I don't have therapy if something comes up, and I guess if I ever need to talk to Derek and Nathan can't be there, will you guys both come?" I ask shyly.
"Of course. Right Cristina?" Olivia says.
"Of course. Mer, we will always come when you need us. And if you need one of us to protect the kids from Derek, either if us can do that too. Both of us are always going to be here for you." Cristina says.
"Thanks guys. That really means a lot." I say.

We finish our lunches around 1h15pm and head back to the hospital.

I do some chart work then head up to therapy.

"Hi Dr Wyatt." I as sitting onto the old yellow couch.
"Hi Meredith. Let's start at the beginning." She says with a warm smile.

A/N: hey y'all, I'm sorry if it's short but midterms and exams are going to be taking up most of my time until the last week of March.  I hope you understand but I'll try to update again by the end of March (I have spring break at the end of the month).  Hope y'all enjoyed it!  Please continue to read, vote, comment and share!  Every comment and vote really means a lot!  If you have any recommendations for story line, please don't hesitate to comment or DM me!
Xoxo, Kallie Grey

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